Diabotical: Patch 0.20.466 Christmas Miniguffin Now Available in Quickplay

Diabotical Epic Games Store

Diabotical is an arena shooter that looks similar to Overwatch but its gameplay copies more elements from the Quake series. Instead of using scary characters, you’re going to use a cute Eggbot that can carry guns found on the battlefield.

Anyway, Patch 0.20.466 is now available for download and it introduces the Christmas Miniguffin in Quickplay. The objective here is to take the MacGuffin through the goal to score points. There’s an added incentive for fragging enemies down - weapons. These should give you a much better advantage than your foes.

In addition, this update makes the application of the knockback effect better. Because of this, blaster wall climbing and rocket jumping are improved. To make the most out of rocket jumping, you should jump first before firing your weapon.

Also, a notable issue where power-ups in Brawl and Free-for-All modes spawn at the same time instead of in cycles has been fixed.

Patch Highlights

  • Fixed an issue where actions triggered by on_player_spawn were having no effect (rolled out earlier in a minor update)
  • Fixed a typo the logic property set_shooting_enabled when it was set using the editpad, causing the action not to work
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to pick up entities spawned by the logic action spawn_entity
  • Console debug output now shows the correct order of execution for logic groups
  • Added the game setting /editor_debug_logic: If enabled, all logic entities will print debug information to console while in edit mode (default: 0, disabled)
  • Added logic trigger on_player_connected which will execute on behalf of the connecting player when they first connect to the game
  • Logic actions that give a variable amount of things (coins, ammo, etc.) no longer allow the total to become negative if the amount given was negative
  • Editpad properties with drop-down lists now show “Not set” until a selection is made; selecting “Not set” can be used to clear the property
  • Seeking through replays is now faster
  • Server replays no longer end immediately when the match ends and the scoreboard is shown
  • Fixed an issue in server replays where a player's perspective was not possible to switch to
  • The Time Trials versions of the CTF and Gold Rush maps now have the new smart_loop triggers

Diabotical Patch 0.20.466 is now available on PC via the Epic Games Store.

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