The Dota 2 Roster Shuffle (So Far) In China Is Truly One For The Books

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This has been an exciting week for the Dota 2 China esports scene.
This has been an exciting week for the Dota 2 China esports scene. Valve

September is halfway over, but a lot has happened in the China Dota 2 esports scene. Looking back at everything that’s happened so far, it seems that it’s all thanks to one player. Care to guess who that is? It’s none other than Song “Sccc” Chun.

That's not all, as while things started slow, there were a lot of pretty interesting changes just this week alone.

One of China’s Best

Sccc caught the eyes of Dota 2 fans during The International 2017. He had some strong performances as part of Newbee, especially with his signature heroes Outworld Devourer and Queen of Pain. However, Newbee failed to make any headway against Team Liquid and was swept 0–3. After that it was downhill for the team. Eventually in 2019, Sccc made the decision to leave and join Team Aster.

Team Aster, however, didn’t have any strong performances with Sccc, and on September 1 of this year Sccc left the team and became a free agent. After that, a series of roster changes then happened in the region. We’ll look into those a little later, but for now let’s focus on Sccc.

For the rest of September, it appeared that Sccc was in talks to join a yet unrevealed team. However, by September 14 it appears that negotiations had broken down which led to Sccc revealing that he may be taking a break from the competitive scene. Two days later, everyone was surprised when EHOME announced a new roster and surprise, one of the new team members was none other than Sccc.

China Roster Shuffle

Of the first teams in China that made a move after Sccc became a free agent was Vici Gaming. The team had one player and their coach leave. Another player left again just this week. The good news was that Vici managed to sign new players to form a complete roster.

Another team that underwent a shuffle was Royal Never Give Up, which had two new members sign up after seeing some members leave back in August. That’s not all as iG Vitality on Monday revealed a new roster by signing three new players.

However, the biggest news in the region happened today. PSG.LGD announced that it had welcomed two new players from EHOME while also getting two players from the same team on loan. Rounding up the roster is a player from CDEC.

It wasn’t a problem for EHOME, as they managed to sign Sccc along with two players from PSG.LGD and another two from CDEC.

Like we said, it was an exciting half month for the region. So who’s the potential loser in all of these trades and signings? Looks like its CDEC, who so far is left with one player.

Here’s the complete line-up for the teams mentioned:

  • Vici Gaming
    • Nuengnara "23savage" Teeramahanon (new)
    • Zeng "Ori" Jiaoyang
    • Ren "eLeVeN" Yangwei (new)
    • Xiong "Pyw"' Jiahan
    • Ding "Dy" Cong
  • Royal Never Give Up
    • Zhong " 圣子华炼 " Liushuai (new)
    • Gao "Setsu" Zhenxiong
    • Sun "Srf" Runfa (new)
    • Chong “FelixCiaoBa” Wei Lun
    • Xie "Super" Junhao
  • iG Vitality
    • Lin "doodle"' Zikai (new)
    • Ni "ButterflyEffect" Weijie
    • Li “Irving” Jian (new)
    • Zhou "Dust" Shiyuan
    • Cui “QYQX” Shenyang (new)
    • Wang "Ame" Chunyu (new)
    • Cheng "NothingToSay" Jin Xiang (on loan)
    • Zhang "Faith_bian" Ruida (new)
    • Zhao "XinQ" Zixing (on loan)
    • Zhang "y`" Yiping (new)
    • Song "Sccc" Chun (new)
    • Guo "Xm" Hongcheng (new)
    • Yang "Chalice"' Shenyi (new)
    • Zhou "Yif" Yifu (new)
    • Jian Wei "xNova" Yap (new)

As we mentioned, we’re still halfway through the month. There’s a lot of things that can happen, but if it does become quiet after this week, then it was indeed all thanks to Sccc.

There's no doubt that there's going to be a lot of interesting matches coming to China's Dota 2 esports scene.

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