Final Fantasy XIV's Dawntrail expansion introduced a lot of new content and features for Square Enix's popular MMORPG, including a ton of new Full Active Time Events (FATEs).
There are many of these in the overworld and they will grant experience points and Bicolor Gemstones. Completing them will also contribute to the Shared Fates rank for each zone. One thing to note is that some FATEs do not show up on the map.
FATEs in Final Fantasy XIV
Let's talk about these special FATEs first and the main thing that sets them apart from regular FATEs is that they reward unique currencies as well as Bicolor Gemstones and experience.
The main issue is that these particular FATEs are difficult to catch and there is usually only a small window of time to complete them, according to IGN.
There are two special FATEs that were added in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail and that is the reason some people in Shaaloani or Living Memory were shouting "five more minutes."
This was most likely because they were waiting for one of the two special FATEs to spawn in that particular zone.
Now, going to regular FATEs, they can have a variety of challenges that players need to complete in order to reap the rewards. These range from dreaded escort missions to intense battles or even simply gathering items.
One good thing about FATEs is that all players have access to these events and there are no Free Trial restrictions. This content for Final Fantasy XIV is relatively flexible when it comes to players as they can complete it solo or in groups, said GameRant.
Special Events With Various Rewards
Another thing to know about these events is that they are open-world, which means that they do not depend on players' characters and can be completed by anyone. When that does happen, the encounter will end and others will no longer be able to join.
FATEs also have a time limit and after that, they will disappear even if no player has finished the encounter yet. Players' maps will show active FATEs in their current location and mark them with a seven-sided purple symbol.
On top of adding two special FATEs, Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail added a lot of other content and features to the MMORPG. These include a slew of quality-of-life updates as well as a highly-anticipated visual overhaul.
The release of the expansion makes it a great opportunity for players to jump into the game for the first time or even after a break, according to CBR.