Humankind Jan 20 Update Brings Cultures of Africa DLC and Tons of Bug Fixes

Humankind: Cultures of Africa Pack
Humankind: Cultures of Africa Pack Steam

Humankind, a turn-based strategy game, received a major update that brought a brand-new expansion pack, the Cultures of Africa. The expansion introduced six new cultures from multiple eras, 15 new narrative events, seven new independent people, and new wonders (both natural and built).

You can purchase the expansion right now with a 10% discount. You will need the base game to play it though.

The update also included several other changes unrelated to the DLC. A plethora of bugs are fixed, and several improvements to AI have been made. New movies are added, which will play when players discover specific technologies.

  • Added Great Zimbabwe Wonder content (newsletter opt-in).
  • Added movies when discovering specific technologies.
  • Added a new window at launch to display info about the game.
  • Removed the "Turn Limit" condition from the Default, Last Human Standing, and Space Race endgame conditions.
  • Improved the usability of the Trade and Wondrous systems.
  • Improved the way AI handles Bombardment management.
  • Improved the way AI handles military objectives.
  • Improved the way AI handles Competitive Deeds.
  • Improved the way AI handles escort of Embarked Army.
  • Improved the way AI handles Garrison.
  • Improved the way AI handles Civic choices.
  • Improved the way AI handles Culture choices.
  • Improved the way AI handles Units that cannot climb fortifications in an assault.
  • Improved the way AI handles Siege sortie.
  • Fixed an issue where players can remain stuck after loading a multiplayer autosave created during the launching of the nuclear missile.
  • Fixed an issue where the player will remain stuck on the "New tenet unlocked" mandatory notification if the AI is choosing the last tenet before the player does in the same turn.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated and the session remains stuck on "Turn Pending" after ending turn on a specific save file.
  • Fixed an issue where a stuck situation was encountered during a naval battle between two clients.
  • Fixed an issue where battle stuck on confirmation stage, under specific conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where a stuck situation occurred while performing a manual battle in a multiplayer session, under specific conditions.

You can check out the complete patch notes on Steam.

So what do you think? Are you interested in Humankind? Are you planning to purchase the new expansion pack? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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