ICARUS: New Mission and Improvements Introduced in Week 41 Update


Developers of the survival game ICARUS recently released the Week 41 Update, which introduced a brand new mission, improvements, and bug fixes.

New Mission

In the new mission, OPULENCE: Stockpile, you are tasked to find rare resources for a wealthy client. This mission is relaxing compared to most other missions, so enjoy the peace and quiet for once.

Here is the briefing:

  • BIOME: Verdant Terraces, Styx
  • BACKGROUND: The ACS has been contacted by a wealthy individual with a special request
  • MISSION: Stock a supply ship in preparation for the clients visit to the surface
  • TERMS: Prospectors that meet client requirements will be well rewarded


In this update, developers made lots of texture optimizations to reduce the amount stored in memory at runtime. This should help increase the performance of the game while seeing a reduction in the texture pool.

ICARUS: Week 41 Update

  • Move FOV setting to Display.
  • Remove hidden and unused Equipment FOV setting.
  • Move Lightning Effects setting to Gameplay.
  • Rename Disable Lightning Effects to Show Lightning Effects and inverted default value.
  • Updates to BPs to support Settings changes.
  • Consistency pass on Beam meshes. All beams now use Capsule collision. Horizontal beams have their Walkable Slope increased to prevent player getting caught on them. Tweaked LOD settings.
  • Optimized Extermination Sandworm Clue mesh. Fixup redirectors.
  • Fixed Inaris Envirosuits missing LODs.
  • Add LODs to Black Wolf Knife, tweaked ballistic PA, changed PM from Wood to Bone.
  • Add LODs to Arms Armor meshes.
  • Fixed issue where fireplace chimney wouldn't show smoke particle effects when active for clients. Fixed up instances where client initialization was happening on IcarusBeginPlay (which would never run). ADeployable now has functions that are called when FoundationActor and AttachedDeployableActors are updated.
  • Fixed assets which had null material references.
  • Tweaked AssetInfo tool Material checking logic.
  • Changed DM for Recovery Crashed Ship Defense BP to more optimized version. Delete old version.
  • The various rare meat types are now correctly affected by PrimeMeatDropChance_% stat.
  • Reimported Styx visual map textures at correct resolution (1024px, was 2049) which allows for streaming to work and reduced further down to 512px to save memory. Should result in ~1GB memory saving.
  • Fixed modifier text descriptions on many food items to reflect the provided buffs, notably coconuts pointed out on Discord, thanks!

You can read more about the update here.

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