Kingdoms Update 0.751 Let’s You Use Crystals to Craft Jewelry

Kingdoms update
Kingdoms update steam

Kingdoms continue to get more and more content. The previous update added flowers to the game, and today's update added crystals. From now on, players can craft jewelry items like rings by using crystals. You can get crystals by looting caves.

The patch also added new craftable items. All you have to do is gather the necessary resources and visit the blacksmith. The patch also made sure that sale paper will now reveal the building price. Several other changes have been made and you can read about them in great detail below.

  • New craftable items were added: iron ring, iron ring with crystal, steel ring, steel ring with crystal - can be crafted in blacksmiths
  • "Novice blacksmith" is needed for iron rings, "Blacksmith" - for steel ones
  • Now building price is visible on sale paper
  • Settlers can gather and sell crystals in shops
  • Blacksmith now can craft rings and sell them in shops
  • Fixed issue when the font size of "resource for building" description was too big and didn't show full list of needed resources (i,e. for City Hall)
  • Fixed issue when perks description font size wasn't small enough to show full list of buildings possible to make
  • Fixed issue when settler could fly in the air when being 50m away from the player
  • Fixed issue when settler could sing into the ground sometimes
  • Fixed issue when an animal could clip under the ground after death. not it will count parallel position;
  • Fixed issue when fox could continue running after death
  • Now player can't exit the dialog with ESC button in the middle of the quest dialog - exiting with ESC caused various quests bugs
  • Fixed issue when the level of friendship didn't change when finishing "talk to leader" quests
  • Fixed issue when settlers couldn't properly use animation places when traveling from one settlement to another
  • Fixed issue when "killing a wolf" quest marker led to leader instead of wolf sometimes
  • Russian translation was updated

Check out the patch notes and the developer's roadmap on Steam.

So what do you think? Are you interested in any of these changes? Are there any other issues that you want the developer to address? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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