Nintendo Switch Pre-Orders: 5 Reasons Why It's A Great Idea

The Nintendo Switch, in all it's glory
The Nintendo Switch, in all it's glory Nintendo

On Saturday, my colleague published a piece about why you should cancel your Nintendo Switch pre-orders. Even though I would love if some of you took your pre-order down because I was sleeping while the rest of you were gobbling all the Switches up, it is my duty to be honest and forthright. I still think it’s going to be amazing next generation console and here’s why you shouldn’t cancel your Nintendo Switch pre-order.

After playing with the Switch at PAX South, I gained an even higher respect for the console and what Nintendo has created.

  1. Motion Controls Are No Longer A Gimmick - Nintendo has tried to reinvent the gaming console in one way or another since the Gamecube. The Wii and Wii U brought motion controls into the mainstream, but did those mechanics improve gameplay? Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Star Fox: Zero both would have been better games if you could just sat still and played them with a normal controller. This time, the Switch also has motion controls, but they don’t hinder your gameplay. The HD rumble on the Joy-Cons is precise and works flawlessly, it really feels like you’re milking a cow when you play 1.2 Switch.

  2. You Can Play Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild On It- You might be able to play the newest Zelda game on the Wii U, but why would you? The graphics will be better and the game will be easier to play with the Joy-Cons. Why play one of the best franchises in gaming on a last gen console when you can play with a much newer, shinier toy? I might not be a member of the PC master race, but I understand why you shouldn’t play an inferior product.

    Zelda: Breath Of The Wild looks better on the Nintendo Switch
    Zelda: Breath Of The Wild looks better on the Nintendo Switch Nintendo
  3. It’s Got A Ton Of Third Party Support- Before the console has even launched, we know dozens of game companies are making some solid games for the Nintendo Switch. Tons of giant game developers like Sega, Activision and Square Enix are creating games for the console. Even indie developers are getting in on the Switch. At PAX South, I got to play Has-Been Heroes and the developers told me how easy it was to work with Nintendo when bringing the rogue-like RPG to their console.

  4. We Still Don’t Know A Lot (Which Isn’t A Bad Thing)- I’ve written before about all the stuff we don’t know about the Nintendo Switch. Some of it is worrying, like how online support is going to work, but other stuff is completely reasonable. Nintendo is a very secretive company, but it’s not like they are sitting in their ivory tower, cackling at all the fans who think the Switch will be good. Sometimes patience can pay off.

  5. Everyone Is Going To Be Talking About It- Do you really want to be left out when everyone else is playing Mario Kart 8 on their portable home consoles?

How do you feel about Nintendo Switch pre-orders? Tell us in the comments.

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