Satisfactory: Let's Get Loud with New Boom Box in Update 6

Update 6
Update 6 Twitter/@SatisfactoryAF

Satisfactory is a game that can be enjoyed solo. But there’s no denying that it is more fun when playing with friends. So, what better way to do that than to have some cool music blasting in the background? That’s now possible with the new Boom Box added in Update 6.

The Boom Box is a brand new item in Satisfactory that gives you the ability to play tunes for you and your buddies. This, along with several tapes, can be purchased in the AWESOME Shop. More tapes are scattered all over the world, so you have to find them if you want to expand your music catalog.

Aside from being able to play music, the Boom Box also has a Turbo Bass Feature that sends off a small shockwave when used.

The To-Do List got some nice improvements in Update 6 as well. One, it can now be accessed from any menu by clicking on the right side of the screen. Next, you can write personal notes that are only visible to you, so if you want to be reminded of a particular task, you can do just that. The To-Do List also allows you to create notes that can be seen and edited by anyone in a multiplayer session.

Here are the other notable additions and changes in this patch:

  • Added support for several ammunition types per weapon
    • Hold R with the weapon equipped to open the selection wheel
  • New Nobelisks
    • Gas Nobelisk: Releases a cloud of toxic gas that deals damage over time
    • Pulse Nobelisk: Generates a powerful shockwave. Double jump!
  • New Rebars
    • Stun Rebar: Can Stun creatures for a short moment
    • Shatter Rebar: Highly effective a shorter range
    • Explosive Rebar: Yes, even more explosions
  • Added holster functionality for the currently equipped Hand Slot
    • Default keybinding is the H key
  • Overhauled equipment HUD to fit all those additional equipment
  • Added HUD feedback for scrolling through Hand Slots
  • Equipment tooltips have additional information such as slot type, compatible ammunition, and a damage indicator
  • Consumables now prioritize stacking with Hand Slots when picked up
  • Double-clicking equipment in the inventory now equips it to the first empty slot if available and otherwise replaces the currently active equipment
  • The AI system, navigation, and spawning have been overhauled
    • Creatures now have the separate visual and audio perception (and they won’t hear you crouch)
    • Creatures can now panic and run when certain conditions are met
  • Added unique loot for all aggressive wildlife
  • Added optional HUD indicators for aggressive wildlife (can be turned on in the options menu)
  • Increased the Map window size significantly
  • Added new Marker system
  • Added new Stamp system
    • Stamps can be placed in the world by pressing ALT + RMB
  • Added support for Markers & Stamps to be highlighted in the world
  • Added support for viewing, copying, and inputting map coordinates

Satisfactory Update 6 is available on PC.

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