‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7: Norman Reedus Hated Watching [SPOILERS] Die

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Daryl refused to call himself "Negan."
Daryl refused to call himself "Negan." AMC

Norman Reedus tried to talk The Walking Dead showrunner Scott Gimple out of killing your favorite characters.

[Warning: if you’re not caught up in The Walking Dead Season 7, stop reading now.]

Reedus would try to save the two characters that died in the beginning of the season. Reedus admitted to Entertainment Weekly he asked Gimple if there was any way around killing Abraham and Glenn, but the answer was a hard no.

“Yeah, and I mean, I understand when characters go through certain things, and mostly they’re cut off from the rest of the group, but I didn’t even see anybody,” Reedus told EW . “I was in a hole by myself, naked. It just did not feel right to me. I’d talk to Gimple, and I’d be like, ‘Man, this sucks. I hate this.’ And he’d be like, ‘You’re supposed to.’ I’m like, ‘Oh, there you go.’ You know what I mean? He was right. It was supposed to suck, and it did suck — for me, anyway. But you know, it just makes coming back together that much more special.”

The reunion with Rick’s group was bittersweet. Daryl is now a completely different person and there’s no way he can ever go back to being the good guy. Before Negan, Daryl wanted to help save people. Daryl tried convincing Rick that Alexandria wouldn’t survive if they didn’t grow the community. He built a bike with Aaron to help him scout for people.

Now, Daryl wants revenge. He feels responsible for Glenn’s death and he should. Had Daryl not freaked out after Abraham’s death, Glenn probably would’ve survived to see his son’s birth. Daryl will probably go on suicide missions if it meant a chance to kill Negan. This makes Daryl a huge liability for Rick; Daryl can’t be controlled. Daryl might’ve thought Negan didn’t break him, but he did. Daryl doesn’t see the good in people anymore.

The Walking Dead Season 7 returns Feb. 12 to AMC. Do you think Daryl will survive the season? Let us know in the comments section below.

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