Superheroes are set to make their presence known in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. As part of the upcoming Season 1 Reloaded, The Boys are more excited to make their debut. Players get to compete in this Supe'd Up version of Kill Confirmed and inspired by the hit show The Boys.
In this twist on the classic mode, fallen Operators are going to drop doses of Temp V. Those who can get their hands on this can obtain temporary power boosts that include Heat Vision, among others.
Those who want to prove to everyone that they're part of "The Boys" can try and complete the six challenges in The Boys: Supe Siege Event Challenge. These challenges are:
- Get one Operator Heat Vision elimination in The Boys mode
- Reward: Calling Card
- Deactivate 20 pieces of Equipment using DDoS
- Reward: Emblem
- Get four Operator eliminations using the MTZ-762
- Reward: Battle Pass Tier Skip
- Get two Operator eliminations in a single life with the Overkill Vest equipped, five times
- Reward: Large Decal
- Get 15 Operator Akimbo eliminations
- Reward: Weapon Charm
- Get seven Operator eliminations using Lethal Equipment
- Reward: Double XP Token
There's also a Mastery Reward for those able to finish all six challenges. It's going to be "The Boys Special" LMG Weapon Blueprint which features four attachments and equipped with a whopping 150-round drum and incendiary ammunition for aggressive suppressive fire.
Store Bundles
To celebrate The Boys Event Challenge, players can look forward to the A-Train and Firecracker in new Store Bundles. This should give it that Supe'd up flavor to all battle operations in the future.
For the Tracer Pack: The Boys — A-Train Operator Bundle, players can deploy as the fastest man in the world through the "A-Train" Operator Skin. It also comes with two Weapon Blueprints that feature Tracers which are the "Turbocharged" Assault Rifle and the "Fast AF" SMG. This bundle also contains:
- "Here Comes the A-Train" Animated Calling Card
- "A-Train" Weapon Sticker
- "Turbo Rush Energy Drink" Weapon Charm
- "World's Fastest Man" Animated Emblem
- "The Boys A-Train" Loading Screen
- "Fastest Man in the World" Finishing Move
Meanwhile for the Tracer Pack: The Boys — Firecracker Operator Bundle, playes get to join the fight as the new Supe in town with the "Firecracker" Operator Skin. This bundle also features two Weapon Blueprints featuring Tracers which are the "Smoking Gun" Assault Rifle, and the "Fellow Patriot" LMG. Other items included are:
- "Firecracker' Weapon Sticker
- "Second Protects" Weapon Charm
- "Eagle Eyed" Animated Emblem
- "Freedom of Speech" Finishing Move
Season 1 Reload adds the new Rio map to the game while also introducing Multiplayer Ranked Play.
Released in 2011, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is available for the PC.