Last Epoch Introduces the Sands of Majasa in Patch 0.8.3

A lot of new content.
A lot of new content. Eleventh Hour Games

A new chapter has been added to the Last Epoch with Patch 0.8.3. The Sands of Majasa puts players in the Divine Era to look for The Lance of Heorot. This ancient weapon is said to be the one Heorot used against his son Morditas. This quest won’t be easy since players must defeat a god.

There’s a lot of new things to look forward to and these include:

  • 15 new zones across multiple environments
  • New voice acting, music, and cutscenes
  • New boss encounters
  • 30+ new enemies

New Skills

Aside from the new campaign, new skills have been added.

The first is Multistrike, which like most of the Sentinel melee skills, has zero mana cost. What it does is increase damage over time as it creates more and more extra hits to other nearby opponents. Considering that it has synergies with skills in all three masteries, this is truly a good option for those who are going for a melee build. This can be unlocked at 15 points into Sentinel passives.

Another new skill is the Javelin. This throwing attack comes with a fast piercing projectile which completes the arsenal of any Sentinel. The specialization tree of this one has unique nodes that can change the functionality. The skill can be unlocked at character level 18.

Finally, there is Void Cleave which is a melee attack with a short cooldown and a moderately high mana cost. What it does is hit all enemies in front while giving the player extra forward momentum. However, it does need for the player to have either an axe or two-handed sword equipped.

Necromancer Changes

There are also other changes introduced including for the Necromancer. Specific skills that include Dread Shade, Summon Wraith, and Assemble Abomination, have their base functionality changed.

You can view the patch notes of Update 0.8.3 here.


After 0.8.3, the next update is going to rework the Druid Transform as well as other content. New chapters are set to be added as well.

The Last Epoch is a hack-and-slash action role-playing game for PC.

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