5 'League of Legends' Skins Riot Needs To Rerelease After Championship Riven

PAX Twisted Fate
PAX Twisted Fate Riot

Riot is re-releasing Championship Riven in League of Legends for the 2016 World Championship, with updated particles and effects to bring her in line with today’s skins. Riot making Championship Riven available is incredibly important: it’s one of the few skins Riot has never made available for purchase after its initial run. The only way you were able to get the skin, if you didn’t purchase it in season one, was to guess the bracket for last year’s World Championship. Out of hundreds of thousands of players, only one person actually got the skin.

If Riot is willing to make Championship Riven available, why wouldn’t they do it for the one of their rarer skins? Don’t get your hopes up about getting a Black Alistar or Silver Kayle though, those skins will always be legacy and are saved for a special selection of people crazy enough to purchase a physical copy of League of Legends .

Still, a man can dream, and here are the top four skins Riot needs to let out of their vault.

URF Warwick
URF Warwick Riot

Urf Warwick- I’ve talked about how much I love this skin before , and nothing has changed. You could only get Urf Warwick for two weeks in April 2010. It was the culmination of a years-long April Fools day joke which ended in Warwick slaughtering a harmless manatee and wearing its skin. You can see why Riot wouldn’t want that skin made public again.

UFO Corki
UFO Corki Riot

UFO Corki- There’s no reason Riot shouldn’t give us UFO Corki again. The skin was originally available to players who created an account before January 2010 because Riot won a reader’s choice award in Gamespy and IGN. That’s when League was tiny and it was a big deal for them to earn an award. Now, it’s the biggest game in the world, so a little award doesn't mean as much.

Releasing UFO Corki would be a great way for Riot to give back to its community; it’s his second best skin (after Arcade Corki, of course).

PAX Twisted Fate
PAX Twisted Fate Riot

All the PAX skins- PAX is a gaming convention created by the Penny Arcade people; in its infancy, Riot made special skins only available at the convention. There’s PAX Sivir, PAX Twisted Fate and PAX Jax, and all of them are now unobtainable. These skins were purchasable for years after their release on Ebay, but last year Riot made all of those codes expire to cut down on people “illegally” reselling their product.

RIOT Singed
RIOT Singed Riot

Riot Singed- Riot Singed is one of the rarest skins in League of Legends. The only way you could get it was to attend a real-life event where a Rioter would hand you a code on a card, if you were lucky. They were given out at events like PAX and fans would swarm the RIOT booth desperate for this skin. It’s the only skin I’ve never seen in game, and after Singed’s Visual Update it looks amazing.

Do you want Riot to release these skins again, or do you think they should remain locked up tight in the vault? Tell us in the comments,

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