Where the Agents of SHIELD team will be when Season 5 starts is still a complete mystery, but thanks to a report from Entertainment Weekly, we at least know who will be with them. Four new cast members will join the show this season, only one with a clear connection to the comics. But the impact of this character could go deeper than just an Easter egg. Flint’s casting hints Agents of SHIELD may extensively explore the idea of Nuhumans, a particularly interesting prospect in light of what’s happening on Marvel’s Inhumans. We’re breaking down the latest casting news below.
Flint, played by Coy Stewart

“Flint is a young man who’s been forced to grow up fast in a tough environment, but hasn’t lost his desire to make something of himself. When he crosses paths with our S.H.I.E.L.D. team, he just may get the chance to prove that he’s capable of big things.”
Flint (also known as Jason in the comics) was born in an undisclosed African nation of Inhumans. He was adopted by two Inhuman descendants in rural Minnesota, part of a community trying to avoid Terrigenesis for over 10,000 years. When a Terrigen Cloud (due to a Terrigen bomb released by Black Bolt) caused everyone to flee, his father Martin decided to stay and accept the family’s fate. Jason was the only one to emerge from the cocoon alive. He has the power to manipulate the earth around him, and when he does, what looks like green lightning forms.

Around this time Lash, born to the lost tribe of Inhumans known as The Lor in a city called Orillan, heard about the the terrigen bomb. He embarked on a journey to decide for himself if these far Inhuman ancestors now exposed to terrigen, dubbed ‘Nuhumans,’ deserved their powers. It’s worth noting we’ve seen Lash on Agents of SHIELD where he was last seen saving Quake from HIVE. He was created by Charles Soule, the same person who created Flint.

Lash finds Jason and brings him to Orollan. But Queen Medusa and Gorgon hear of Lash’s crusade. They save Jason and bring him to New Attilan, where he adopts the Inhuman name Flint. He becomes good friends with another Nuhuman Lash captured named Dante aka Inferno, who can generate lava and fire.

One of Season 4’s cliffhangers was Vijay Nadeer, who also may be a part of this Nuhuman storyline. Jemma saved him from the Terrigenesis cocoon after he was stuck in there for far too long. He is speculated to be based on the Inhuman named Grid, another Soule creation. Another interesting possibility is a Nuhuman who (with the help of the Royal Family) took the form of a spaceship after undergoing Terrigenesis--Hub. This character is yet another Soule creation, and one of many in his All-New Inhumans run that look to be playing out on the series.

The other obvious tie-in is the connection (and possible crossover) between Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s Inhumans characters. Marvel’s Inhumans could leave us with a cliffhanger that Coulson and the team have to deal with. Since SHIELD is in space, they may need to work with the Royal Family to preserve the Inhuman race. Agents of SHIELD will take the Marvel’s Inhumans Friday come 2018, which may not be a coincidence either.

The three additional castings do not give us as many hints as to where SHIELD is headed this season, check out the character descriptions below.
Deke, played by Jeff Ward

“Deke is the ultimate survivor and roguish scavenger, the guy who can get people what they need, but at a price of his asking. With his sharp mind and quick wit, he is both a real asset in a tight spot and a hard man to trust.”
Tess, played by Eve Harlow

“Tess is resourceful, striving to be self-sufficient in very desperate circumstances, but she has hung on to her hopes for a better future for herself and those closest to her. She is living proof that even in the toughest of times, good people will still fight for each other.”
Grill, played by Pruitt Taylor Vince

“Grill is a gruff taskmaster, lording over those under his command with an unforgiving temperament. He has no illusions about the world he lives in and this makes him a man not easily fooled, or crossed.”
Are you excited for Flint? Let us know in the comments.