All 'League Of Legends' Bugs Should Be Fixed, Here's Why (And Why They Won't Be)

Twitch and Evelynn can get away with anything
Twitch and Evelynn can get away with anything Riot

League of Legends is a complex game with its fair share of bugs. There are over 120 champions and hundreds of weapon combinations, Riot’s not going to be able to find everything. Today, on the League forums KateyKhaos said a Jayce bug, which caused the hammer man to lose his weapon animations intermittently, was deemed “trivial” and won’t be fixed.

Riot’s word is law and if they feel that resources can be better spent elsewhere, more power to them. But, this is still a game that prides itself on its competitive nature and unintentional bugs sort of undermine the game’s legitimacy.

The newest bug that caused an uproar in the League involves the lady of luminescence, Lux. Her ultimate, Final Spark, wasn’t hitting stealthed champions. After some digging, YouTuber Damood figured out that it wasn’t just stealthed champions, Lux couldn’t hit anything she couldn’t see. Nocturne’s ultimate and Grave’s grenade made Lux do zero damage to enemies directly in her laser.

It’s a serious bug that makes Lux a much weaker champion; Final Spark is where most of her damage potential lies. Still, Riot has said nothing about this bug and for all we know their team could deem this bug “trivial” as well. League has hundreds of game-breaking bugs that have been pointed out in the forums: here’s a list of just Yasuo bugs.

League of Legends was created six years ago and it’s still running on a lot of the same code. Riot knows that their “spaghetti code” running the game has a lot problems, with more popping up every patch. Every time they release something new, another part of the code might get screwed up. Riot really needs to rebuild League from the ground up, instead of just piling more stuff into their current system.

Bugs are a natural part of video game creation. The game you are playing is really just a bunch of zeroes and ones that combine to complete tasks and create images. Unless we get a League of Legends 2 I don’t see Riot putting in the time to get rid of every bug in the game, and Riot has already admitted there will never be a sequel. Newer games are tested for months before they are released to try and eliminate as many of these problems as possible. Riot might be able to eliminate some of League’s wonkiest interactions if they update their decrepit source code.

It’s just not financially viable to create a game from the ground up; the current version of League of Legends si making so much money. That might not necessarily be the “right” or “popular” decision, but it is the one they are going to make. Never forget that Riot is owned by one of the largest corporations in China, Tencent.

If your favorite champion has disappearing abilities, glitchy movement or any number of a myriad of actual problems, post about it on the League forums or reddit. Make your voice heard, so that Riot can’t continue to ignore these problems. If Riot wants eSports to be as highly regarded as regular sports they are going to have fix as many bugs as possible. Soccer would be a lot less “competitive” if players randomly missed balls they kicked or teleported all over the field.


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