Heard about the Animal Crossing Pocket Camp gardening update but can't figure out how to plant flowers? Check out our complete flower guide including how to water and cross-pollinate, here.
On Monday, Nintendo released a new gardening update for Animal Crossing Pocket Camp players that allows them to not only plant flowers on their little campsite but also care for the gardens of friends via watering, cross-pollination and more. While most of us got the gardening update notification in our message box, there weren’t a lot of details given as to where you could plant your new flowers and what the are of having a garden. In this guide, we’ve put together everything you need to know about the new garden update including how to get and plant flowers, water, cross-pollinate them and more.
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Flower Guide: How To Plant, Water, Cross-Pollinate And More

#1 Where To Find Your Garden Patch
Planting a flower garden is actually pretty simple and the game does a great job of guiding you through it -- that is, once you find the damn thing. If you aren’t paying attention, you may not have noticed, but to the left of your campground, a new space has been cleared where you can plant up to new flowers. To get the garden started simply go to the entrance of the garden space and have a little chat with Isabelle who is standing at the entrance. She’ll give you a little blurb about gardening and then send you on to chat with Lloid, a happy little garden cactus that will teach you the ropes.
#2: How To Plant Your First Flowers

Planting flowers in your garden is pretty simple. Just tap on an empty plot of dirt and a menu will appear above your head that says “Plant Seeds.” Tap on it and you will be taken to all the seeds in your inventory. Simply tap on the one you want to plant and your character will get right to it.
#3 How To Speed Up Plant Growth

Growing flowers takes quite a bit of time but if you want to speed it along you can use a special fertilizer. Each drop you use speeds the process up by 30 minutes. While Lliod will give you some fertilizer to get started with, you can purchase more in a special gardening pack for $.99.
#4 How To Harvest Flowers
Once your flower is fully grown, tap on it and you’ll be given the option to either harvest or cross-pollinate. To harvest your flowers, simply tap on the option and your avatar will get right to work doing so.
#5 How To Cross Pollinate Flowers And Why You’ll Want To
As mentioned above, when a flower is fully grown, you have the option to harvest or cross-pollinate it. If you choose to cross-pollinate this gives you the potential to get new or rare seeds in return. In order to cross-pollinate, you must have at least one harvested flower in your items. Once you tap on the cross-pollinate button, you’ll then select the flower you want to use for cross-pollination. When the task is complete, you will reap a new set of seeds -- often rare ones that you might not come across otherwise. The used in the cross caveat is, you do lose the set of harvested flowers in the cross-pollination. In time though, you’ll have so many flowers in your arsenal, it’ll hardly feel like much of a sacrifice.
6# Why Plant/Harvest Flowers At All?

According to Lloid, the flowers you harvest can be used to get items at his “Flower Exchange.” These are mainly decorative items like potted plants or stuffed animals for display around your camp. They are a fun addition nonetheless.
#7 How To Water Plants

You may have noticed a watering pail in the corner of your garden and possibly even a prompt to water your flowers when the ground gets dry. But how can you tell when the flowers need watering? This is actually pretty simple. If you happen to walk into your garden and see some of the plots have lighter colored soil than others, these are the dry plots. When you tap on them, you’ll see the option to water those plots. I’m not sure what would happen if you ignore watering your plots, but I assume it either slows the growth or causes them not to flower. Either way, it’s probably smart to check in on your garden whenever you make your visits to the game.
#8 How To Help Friends In Their Gardens

Besides just planting and caring for your own garden, you can also help people on your friends list with their gardens as well. Simply tap on a friend’s name in your list and, tape the “Visit Friend” button and if he or she has a garden set up you will see the option to either visit the campsite or the garden. Tap on the “Garden” option to be taken to his or her garden. Once there you can either water any dry plots or cross-pollinate some of your friends’ flowers to gain some new seeds. The ability to help friends in their gardens comes off somewhat more interactive than just visiting to offer kudos as it brings legitimate benefits for both of you.

- Charming like the original
- Fluid, sensible gameplay
- Easy to find friends
- Timers everywhere
- Premium currency exists