Anthem's limited-time event Cataclysm is finally here. There is a lot to learn, as the new content adds a number of changes to the game. For now, we will look at the basics.
Accessing the Event
In order to join this limited-time event, players need to look for the Games Modes menu and choose the "Cataclysm" option.
Once players choose this option, they immediately fly into the storm in their javelin. They're going to be battered by a number of obstacles that include intense winds and flying debris. If they're unlucky enough, they may get hit by a lightning strike.
While in the storm, the Stability Bar starts to deplete and goes down as long as a player is still in the storm. After that is depleted, health that then start to go down.

If you want to avoid damage, you need to look for small shielded areas to protect you from the storm. You can also look for glowing balls of light that you can destroy in order to stabilize the area.
Storm the Gate
Even when in Freeplay, you have the chance to encounter Cataclysm-related events. All you need to do is look for the new icon that appears on the map and make the choice to track it. You need to look for anomalies which are symbolized with a purple beacon. These elements spawn throughout the map every 20 minutes. Once you see one, teleport to the closest strider and check out the anomaly before it closes.
If you arrive in time, look at the right side of the screen for the "Storm Gate Opens in:" indicator, which tells you the amount of time you need before you can enter.
Once the gate opens, you have less than a minute to enter it and start the event. Inside the gate you get to perform specific tasks like battling enemies and completing objectives. You need to do all of this before the anomaly destabilizes. Each of the anomalies is composed of three waves and completing each one gets you the chance to unlock a chest that contains loot.

Scoring System
One of the things that you need to learn about the Cataclysm event is the Scoring System. Having a strong squad isn't enough as you also need to come up with a good strategy in order to face Vara, the Dominion's tough leader.
A lot of things you do in Cataclysm have an impact on your score. Among the ways to earn points is to kill enemies, solve puzzles, and even complete bonus challenges. However, you can increase your scores even higher. One way to do this is to be in the storm longer though this means you experience damage. Be sure to weigh all your options carefully.
New Currency
The Cataclysm event also introduces new in-game currency wherein you earn more the higher your score is. The two currencies are:
- Minor Crystals
- earned by playing and are used to purchase Major Crystals, War Chests, and vanity items
- Major Crystals
- earned as mission and challenge rewards and used to purchase War Chests and vanity items
So what are War Chests you ask? They contain all the non-vanity items you can unlock during the Cataclysm including exclusive, higher power-level gear and weapons.
New Weapons
Finally, the new event introduces players to new weapons which are:
- Bad Omen
- Flashfire
- Grave Digger
- Jarra's Wrath
- Lightning Rod
- Rain Maker
- Razorwing
- Riza's Ripper
- Shard Storm
So far, these are all the new things that arrived with the event. Are you excited to try out Anthem's Cataclysm event?