The first season of Aquarius ended with David Duchovny's Sam Hodiak receiving a medal for his outstanding detective work. But as we learned in the final moments of the finale episode , there’s one man who can’t be fooled by Hodiak’s poised, cool demeanour and knack for getting away with dirty cop shenanigans: Agent Ron Kellaher of Internal Affairs. He’s apparently gotten wind of Kodiak's above-the-law policing tactics and has a murder witness.

“I jump on that stage, say I have a witness, and “I’ll see you in my office tomorrow. That's where Season 2 kicks off,” Tim Griffin, who plays Kellaher, told iDigitalTimes. Though don’t expect this to be a one-and-done confrontation. Griffin will be playing Duchovny’s foil all season long. All the Charles Mason business isn’t even at the forefront of Kelleher's investigation.

“I am out to get him. I dont give a crap about any of his cases. I want to show this guy has risen in the ranks by cheating, by falsifying evidence-- I have a whole litany of reasons. My sole task is to bring him down,” Griffin said. “The really cool thing is the way these two guys spar with each other. It’s that same David Duchovny intelligence where we're blistering attacks against each other but always with a cool demeanor and a smile.”
Come to find out there’s more to this story. Kellaher has a personal vendetta against Hodiak that will be revealed later on. “I don’t only want to take him down because he represents the old way of doing things. He’s a cop who operates above the law by any means necessary and I'm saying this is the new order-- you can't pull that shit anymore. But then you come to realize I also have a personal reason for disliking him. It’s hilarious. It’s a great reveal and we go to war with each other.”
Showrunner John McNamara wrote the role of Ron Kellaher specifically for Griffin, whom he worked with years prior on Prime Suspect. In fact last August, McNamara told Entertainment Weekly he had two goals for the finale episode: Make Sam Hodiak unhappy and work with Tim Griffin. McNamara also teased that Hodiak and Manson will be spending some quality time together, which may be where Griffin comes in.
Kellaher’s presence is going to force everyone to choose a side, Hodiak’s strong-willed protege Detective Brian Shafe included.
“There’s a master plan at work and it forces people to choose sides. Get on board or you're going to get thrown under the bus,”said McNamara.
Watch the two-hour, commercial free premiere of Aquarius Season 2 June 16 on NBC at 9 p.m. Will Kellaher put a wrench in Hodiak’s Charles Mason investigation? Let us know in the comments below.