Studio Wildcard, developer of dinosaur survival MMO ARK: Survival Evolved, has put together a modding competition with a lot of money on the line. You can check out the details, including the prizes, below:
Submission: January 14th – March 15th
Top Mod Selection in each Category: March 16th – March 17th
Public Voting: March 18th – April 1st
Winner Announcement: April 15th
Mods: Extensions of current gameplay functionality
Maps: These are new ARK's to play on.
Total Conversions: These are complete 'overhauls' of the game which change core functionality.
Fifteen (15) prizes will be awarded. 1st thru 5th, places for each category:
1st Place: $10,000 in each category
2nd Place: $5,000 in each category
3rd Place: $3,000 in each category
4th Place: $2,000 in each category
5th Place: $1,000 in each category
The prize pool totals $63,000.
The contest may be entered by uploading your mod to the ARK: Survival Evolved Steam Workshop , including the “Mod Contest Sticker” on the main Mod image that’s seen on the Workshop page, and filling out a form. The sticker and form may be found here along with an explanation of judging and voting criteria. You’ll need to use the ARK Dev Kit via the Epic Games Launcher in order for your entry to be eligible.
As for the new critters that will be roaming the world of ARK: Survival Evolved , there’s two of them. One looks cool with its giant back-sail, and the other turns waste into something more precious than gold: fuel.
The adaptive, protective Dimetrodon is described as follows:
“ The Dimetrodon offers players shade during excessive heat and shelter from extreme cold by way of the massive insulating sail running down its back. It’s regarded as one of the friendly creatures to survivors and can be found roaming the swamplands that are plentiful with small prey.”

As for the Dung Beetle, it’s gross yet highly useful. Its description reads:
“The Dung Beetle is a wondrous organic biofactory that eats excrement and other useless waste to then metabolize and produce burnable oil that can power generators and fertilize crops! Regarded as the perfect tame for cleaning up around the tribe’s dino-pen.”

Finally, version 232 also adds in craftable Beer Kegs that will provide various status-enhancing effects. Unfortunately, hangover-like after-effects will be included, too. No word on if any forthcoming dinos will poop ibuprofen and McDonald's breakfast.
Watch a video of the new Dimetrodon and Dung Beetle in action below:
ARK: Survival Evolved is a huge Steam Early Access game that may be purchased here for $29.99.