ARK: Survival Evolved update 1.64 just landed on PS4, and is scheduled to come to Xbox One over the next handful of hours. The massive 20GB patch contains the Dino TLC textures and balance tweaks that debuted on PC at the beginning of February. Here’s what the patch includes.
The following Dinos get the new skins and abilities listed below:
- Direbear: Improved honey gathering skills but is a larger target for bee attacks
- Procoptodon: Reduced fall damage, increased carry weight and can carry small Dinos in its pouch
- Gigantopithecus: Will do more damage to armor durability, can jump to ziplines and carry small Dinos on its shoulder
- Direwolf: Pack buff works on a timer but attracts stronger wolves. Other will wolves will howl when the alpha does, and a new smell ability finds weak Dinos, hiding Dinos and Explorer Notes.
- T-Rex: Improved movement. Roar will make the enemy poop but both effects operate on a cooldown.
- Dragon's Fire Breath direct impact damage reduced by 50 percent
- Fixed a bug which caused Rock Drake and Wyvern eggs to sink below their nests over time.
- Added Rock Golem Saddles to Scorched Earth Loot Table
- Added Basilisk and Krakinos Saddles to Aberration Loot Table
- Uploaded Creature stats now display Movement Speed and Melee Damage
- Fixed a case where certain creatures would get stuck under the map/inside the map when colliding with larger creatures (most noticeably seen the Rock Drake and Basilisk)
- Fixed an issue which was causing a desync with the Reaper's collision
- No longer need pheromone to claim Reaper Kings
- Moschops will no longer flee when told to harvest dino corpses
- Fixed a bug where some creatures would not be able to attack at low server FPS
- Bronto's and Paracer's breeding time have increased by 50 percent (equivalent to Quetz)
- Reduced Bronto HP gain per level by 33 percent
- Reduced Bronto base HP by 10 percent
- Reduced Paracaratherium base HP by 10 percent
- Reduced Paracer HP gain per level by 25 percent
- Reduced Tuso Base HP by 20 percent
- Reduced Tuso HP gain per level by 25 percent
- Reduced Dunky resistance to bullets to 40 percent
- Reduced Dunky other resistances to 60 percent
- Stego Plate Resistant reduced to 30 percent
- TEK saddles no longer inflict raid damage (how you inflict torpor on titan, krab, and golem)
- General AI Option for Dinos to only attack conscious targets
- Skittish Stance added to tamed dinos
- Fixed a case where the Pela could use more weapons than just the fishing rod
- Fixed fishing rod no longer working on the Pela
- Tamed and Wild Karkinos no longer get stuck in a floating state by medium/big sized dinos
- Gigantopithecus can now use the teleporter
- Karkinos can no longer move when encumbered
- Fixed a case which allowed Rock Drakes to Glide infinitely
- Pegomastax can no longer steal Artifacts
- Fortitude now provides some resistance versus the effects of the Rex Roar, and this resistance carries onto player-ridden dinos too. Enough fortitude can prevent player-ridden dinos from being poopstunned.
- Increased the amount of food Achatina receives from cake to 500.
- Direbear and Gigantopithecus have been added to Aberration
- Removed the ability to place Plant Y and Bear Traps while riding a dino
- Reduced Titanosaur walk speed by 5 percent and run speed by 20 percent
- Corrected bigfoot's socket for Desert Goggle headgear
- For creatures with targeted jumps, pressing jump again in midair will result in the tame falling straight down (to prevent erroneous cases where the dino may unintentionally bounce awkwardly)
- Basilisks now damage foliage on movement to prevent them from getting stuck in trees, and the accuracy of their poison shot has been improved.
- The Giga is no longer raged by fall damage
- The Giga's rage mechanic is now based on damage taken before reduction from external sources (saddles, yuty)
- Reduced the respawn rate of Basilisk and lowered the Nearby Player check
- Fixed a case where the Rock Drake would not correctly uncloak
- Increased the Phoenix's health, stamina and weight
- Adjusted The Center's Gorilla boss so it now matches The Island

- Creative Mode building (an admin command which you can trigger on yourself/another player which removes weight restrictions, crafting requirements, and unlocks all the engrams. Allowing you to freely craft items to your heart’s content. Must relog to disable the effect). Creative mode can be activated using the following commands: "Cheat GCM" to activate it on yourself, "Cheat GiveCreativeModeToTarget" to toggle for a player on the center of your screen, and "Cheat GCMP" to toggle for a player by their ID.
- Host option to disable fog
- Add messages to tribe logs with information about uploading and downloading creatures
- Made a respawning player not targetable by Wild AI
- Option to hide learned engrams
- Players can now directly go from Proning to Crouching position
- Ambient Sounds have their own volume slider
- Created a "Use Last PIN Code" so players can quickly access secured structures
- Server option which makes the Silencer hide the name of the player who has killed you from the kill message and tribe log (enabled by default on Console, disabled on PC Official PvP servers)
- Server Option to make Supply Crates random
- AxisMapping is now taken into account when underwater
- Cooldown added to tribe's changing their name
- Five-second character and base immunity added to ORP servers when first logging in
- Fixed a collision issue affecting some dino gates that allowed unintended entry
- Fixed multiple client-side and server-side crashes
- Fixed multiple exploits that allowed players to get through the mesh or world barriers
- Fixed a bug which allowed structures to powered infinitely
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to gain a lot of height when using the zipline
- Fixed a bug with Grappling hook which allowed it to be reeled in much quicker than intended
- Fixed a bug which made TEK Sniper not lose any element when zooming in
- TEK projectiles no longer damage structures with splash damage after the projectile has traveled for 5,000 units
- TEK projectiles no longer explode mid-air
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to exceed the boss arena caps
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to speed up the baby raising process for water creatures
- All TEK structures now have an element cost, though in some cases may be in the form of shards
- Smoke nades and Poison nades now have different impact sounds to distinguish between them
- Railings can no longer be built within distance of enemy foundations
- Demo Timers are now hidden behind the Extended Info option (H)
- Can longer prevent turret targeting with cables
- Can no longer handcuff a player to a TEK Bed
- Fixed an issue where the Tek Teleporter built on pillars/ceilings would push players and creatures beneath it.
- Fixed a crash caused by using ForceTame when riding a Dino
- Improved Red Crystal collision so they can be harvested more efficiently by Anky
- Corrected the Aquatic Mushroom description
- Removed collision from glowsticks which would cause movement problems with certain creatures
- Fixed multiple client/server crashes
- Fixed an issue where some zip line anchors were outside of replication range, preventing them from being used.
- Fixed a case which would allow players mounted on certain creatures to throw/place C4 a lot further (e.g. Stego)
- Corrected an incorrect icon with the Seeker Dossier
- Fixed a case where teleporting outside of a large base with the TEK Teleporter would show foliage that was harvested
- Fixed multiple map issues (holes and collision)
- Fixed a case where some foliage would not replicate appropriately on Aberration
- Turrets now respect enemy foundation placement rules, and there is a 30-second spin-up time when being powered by a battery.
- You can now scroll the chatbox using a game controller by holding down the BACK Action Wheel, and selecting the Scroll Chat Box option. This will highlight the chatbox. To exit this mode, just press back button on your controller (B/Circle).
- Tribe ownership in hardcode mode is now transferred to the next person in line when the owner of a hardcore tribe is killed.
- Map Overhaul: New player marker that tracks rotation, point-of-interest markers increased to 30, map maker fonts changed and the markers can be colored.
- Tribe Log now displays when people have been kicked, promoted, demoted, claim, unclaim, upload and download a creature.
- Players are automatically expelled from tribes when they die in hardcore
- Large underwater rock features on the island can now be built on
- Reduced cloning costs by approximately 40 percent across the board.
- Providing players with the option to flip their tribe log, so that they can either select to have the most recent messages at the top or bottom.
- Torches will work similarly to Flame Arrows versus Plant Y Traps
- Distinguish the sound effect for smoke grenades and poison grenades when hitting the ground
- Reduced TEK Tier vacuum crafting requirements, increased their damage resistance and made it so that metal hatchframes are snappable to them
- Spyglass now functions correctly on Tamed Reapers
- Tribes can now see the demo timers of their own structures
- Added an option checkbox for 'Toggle Extended Hud Info' that will make press+hold Map button as a toggle rather than a hold
- Updated Ragnarok with various fixes and tweaks
This extensive list of changes makes patch 1.64 ARK’s largest free update since the game’s retail release this past August. More interesting, though, is the fact that this round of Dino TLC is only the first of two announced passes. The second pass isn’t as substantial as the first, but fans of the Argentavis and Spinosaur will still appreciate it. A release date for that phase has not been announced for PC, which means it will probably be about a month before console players have the chance to take advantage of it.
As for the Dino TLC update on Xbox One, Studio Wildcard has said the patch is still in certification and will hopefully be deployed by the end of the day on Friday.
ARK: Survival Evolved is available on PC, Xbox One, PS4, OS X and Linux.
What do you think of ARK’s Dino TLC update so far? Is the 1.64 patch worth the hype? Tell us in the comments section!
- Lots of Dinos to encounter and tame
- A thriving online community
- A game that truly rewards time and dedication
- Server stability issues
- The grinding gets tedious
- Terrible console UI