Ark: Survival Evolved finally got its Tek Tier in update v254 for PC, so you may wondering how to unlock it. This guide will tell you how to get each Engram and tips for using the new gear.
In order to unlock the majesty of the Tek Tier, you first need to collect all the Engrams that come with it. As of update v254, this includes separate Engrams for the helmet, chestpiece, leggings, boots, gauntlets, rifle, saddle, replicator and transmitter.
In order to get the Engrams, you need to beat every single one of the game’s boss battles on the new easy, medium and hard difficulty settings. Thankfully, going through the trials once on hard mode unlocks everything in the medium and easy tiers too. Finishing any boss fight on any difficulty will get you the Tek Replicator Engram. After that, here’s how the process goes.
- Megapithecus : Tek Gauntlets [Easy], Tek Rifle [Medium], Tek Saddle [Hard]
- Broodmother Lysrix : Tek Boots [Medium], Tek Helmet [Hard]
- Dragon : Tek Leggings [Easy], Tek Transmitter [Medium], Tek Chestpiece [Hard]
Once you win, each boss will drop a big chunk of Element. Grab it quickly before the carcass disappears.
In order to spawn these bosses, you’ll need to generate a portal at a Beacon or Obelisk with tribute ingredients. Here’s what’s required for each boss.
- Megapithecus : Megalodon Tooth (x8), Tyrannosaurus Arm (x4), Argentavis Talon (x4), Sauropod Vertebra (x2), Tusoteuthis Tentacle (x2), Artifact Of The Hunter, Artifact Of The Pack, Artifact Of The Massive, Artifact Of The Clever, Artifact Of The Skylord, Artifact Of The Devourer Artifact Of The Immune
- Broodmother Lysrix : For this one, the requirements depend on the difficulty of the fight. Megalodon Tooth (x8, x32, x64), Tyrannosaurus Arm (x4, x16, x32), Sauropod Vertebra (x2, x8, x16), Artifact Of The Hunter, Artifact Of The Pack, Artifact Of The Massive.
- Dragon : Megalodon Tooth (x8), Tyrannosaurus Arm (x4), Argentavis Talon (x4), Sauropod Vertebra (x2), Tusoteuthis Tentacle (x2), Artifact Of The Hunter, Artifact Of The Pack, Artifact Of The Massive, Artifact Of The Clever, Artifact Of The Skylord, Artifact Of The Devourer Artifact Of The Immune, Artifact Of The Strong

None of these battles should be attempted alone. Find the largest group of skilled players you possibly can.
- You and your team should avoid its rock throw attack by spreading out.
- Take your most powerful tames with you. This would mean a Rex group, a Raptor group and a bunch of Carnotauruses.
- Watch out for the long reach of its Gigantopithicus ally.
- Try to make the boss throw its boulder at its allies.
- Force him into his cave to corner him.
Broodmother Lysrix
- Firepower is your biggest advantage here. The spider and the larva she spawns can be overwhelming. You’ll need groups with guns and rockets to take care of her.
- Stimulants will be necessary to counter her venom attacks.
- It might also help to send in you best small tames followed by large ones.
- Hover around the Dragon’s tail with your best flight-worthy tame.
- A tribe of 10 really helps for this battle.
If you managed to beat the bosses, then crafting is your next step. The first thing you’ll need to do is make a Tek Replicator. You can only make one while inside a Beacon. Here are the supplies you’ll need for everything.
Tek Replicator : 75 Element, 5000 Metal Ingot, 600 Crystal, 150 Black Pearls, 800 Polymer
Tek Helmet, Chestpiece, Leggings, Boots, Gauntlets And Rifle : 120 Polymer, 450 Metal Ingot, 120 Crystal, 20 Element, 55 Black Pearls
Tek Rex Saddle : 350 Polymer, 1800 Metal Ingot, 250 Crystal, 40 Element, 100 Black Pearls
Tek Transmitter : 40 Element, 2500 Metal Ingot, 250 Crystal, 80 Black Pearls, 320 Polymer
If you’ve crafted and collected everything you need, using your Tek Tier gear is the fun part. Here are a few critical tips worth knowing.

- Space : Allows you to jump and boost with all your gear on. Double tap is an additional power boost.
- Shift : Hover
- Cntrl : Fly
- Tek Tier gear works underwater in place of Scuba Gear. Press shift to zoom through the waves. You can breathe underwater through all of that metal too.
- Sprinting with Tek Tier unlocks warp speed walking that plows through everything.
- Visor has different vision modes. Cycle through them with E. You can see through walls and at night.
- Holding down right click allows you to perform a powerful punch attack that locks on target. You can even farm for supplies in mass quantities with your fists.
- Tek Rifle has night vision and lasers with splash damage and knockback. The Tek Rex is basically a big, moveable version of this weapon.
- Transmitter allows you to upload basically anything you need to other Arks. The only thing it doesn’t transfer is Tek Element. It also needs Element to run.
Everything about the Tek Tier is designed for players close to level 100. If you’re not there yet, you can always use console commands to try everything out in single-player. Check out our full list of v254 admin commands here.
Ark: Survival Evolved is in early access on PC, Xbox One, PS4, OS X and Linux. The Tek Tier is expected for consoles by mid-February.
What do you think of the Tek Tier so far? Does it make Ark: Survival Evolved too much of a God Mode sandbox? Tell us in the comments section!