Earth-2 Laurel Lance is safe and sound in ARGUS custody, but that doesn’t mean we’ve seen the last of her. Arrow Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim says even though Katie Cassidy’s four-show deal is expired, he has a plan for her character if she decides to come back. reports Guggenheim said at a recent Q&A, "We have an idea for how to see her again, but we haven’t made a deal with her yet. She’s not a series regular anymore, so we have to make a contract with her and she’s got to be available, and we haven’t had those conversations. But we do have an idea. We know exactly what we do want to do."

Oliver fulfilled his promise to Laurel by finding someone to continue Black Canary’s legacy. Fooling fans for a second, he unknowingly recruited a woman named Dinah Drake, the original version of Black Canary from the comics.
Team Arrow is pretty full at the moment, and the real Laurel is still dead, so if Cassidy returns it’s likely we’ll see yet another version of her, from another Earth or different timeline. Cassidy already has established roots on The Flash, so Arrow isn’t the only option Guggenheim has to bring her back.
Do you want Laurel to come back, or would you prefer the writers just left her character alone for once? Let us know in the comments.