‘Arrow’ Season 5: Vigilante Reveal Is Coming, Adrian Chase Actor Suggests

'Arrow' Season 5 premieres Oct. 5.
'Arrow' Season 5 premieres Oct. 5. CW

In Arrow Season 5 episode 4, “Penance,” we found out a little bit more about Adrian Chase, Star City’s new District Attorney. There’s been something a bit off about Adrian since the beginning, but ever since Ragman saved his life he’s been a bit more open to masked heroes fighting crime. His alter-ego in the comics is named Vigilante. Like Oliver, he tries not to kill his victims. Ever since Adrian Chase’s character was first announced, we’ve been wondering if his second identity would come to fruition.

Adrian Chase in 'Arrow' Season 5.
Adrian Chase in 'Arrow' Season 5. CW

Recent statements from Josh Segarra, who plays Adrian, suggest we will see Vigilante about midway through the season. The actor revealed the coming episodes will tell Adrian’s backstory, and we’ll see Adrian’s story pick up before episode 7.

“The biggest question that I have for myself as an actor is ‘why does this person become the person that they are?’ So what’s going to be hard is that in the middle of the season I get to introduce Vigilante. So now I’m getting to tell that backstory and we get to tell the biggest pieces and get to show him becoming who he is before episode 7,” Segarra told ComicBook at the 100th episode party in Vancouver.

In the Arrow Season 5 premiere, Felicity showed Oliver a police sketch of a mysterious vigilante fighting crime in Star City. The image shows a man wearing ski goggles, which very closely resembles Vigilante’s costume in the comics.

“That’s what I think is going to be interesting, is what parts of the comic are we going to get to put on the show? I know the answer to that but the audience [doesn’t],” Segarra said. But that’s what [has] been great is that we’re trying to keep it as much as we can in that world, but also keep it exciting because I don’t want any plot twists to be a thing where people are expecting something and don’t get them. That’s always sad, when you think something is going to be great and then it’s a letdown. So I’m hoping that we get the right pieces along the way.”

When Adrian was interrogating one of Tobias Church's men, he appeared to get way more aggressive than a D.A. should. For a second there it seemed like he was going to throw some punches, but gunshots interrupted the conversation.

Considering Adrian’s change of heart about the positive impact vigilantes can have, it’d be odd if he was already one himself, which makes the police sketch quite suspicious. There’s also talk of Adrian Chase being Prometheus, and if that theory proves true, it means somebody else must be the Vigilante. Adrian Chase wasn’t the only Vigilante in the comics, after all.

The Vigilante
The Vigilante DC
Star City vigilante police sketch.
Star City vigilante police sketch. CW

What do you think? Is Adrian Chase already the Vigilante or do you think he’s Prometheus? Let us know in the comments below!

Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.

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