The Polaris RZR, the lightweight buggy that you can ride with a buddy, is now available in Battlefield 2042 as an in-world vehicle via the newly released Update 2.1.
This patch also introduces three iconic weapons from Battlefield 3 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. The first is the P90 - a compact weapon from Battlefield 3 that packs a punch, thanks to its 5.7 x 28mm armor-piercing bullets and 50-round magazine.
The second is the GOL Sniper Magnum, a German bolt action rifle famous for its amazing accuracy; perfect for killing enemies at great distances. And lastly, the M1911 is a classic 0.45 caliber sidearm equipped with a seven-round magazine specially made for the Allied Forces. Both of these weapons were staples in Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
So, what other things were implemented in Update 2.1? Well, some specialists in Battlefield 2042 received notable bug fixes. For instance, the issue where Boris’ SG-36 Sentry Gun was occasionally able to shoot enemies through smoke has now been resolved.

Here are the other changes:
- Fixed an issue preventing the Weekly Missions list from being scrolled during End of Round
- Collection: Fixed an issue where the wrong input icon is displayed when equipping vehicle customizations
- Statistics: Fixed an issue that could cause the accuracy stat to reach a value above 100%
- Fixed an alignment issue related to HUD notifications on widescreen monitors
- Fixed a scaling issue related to HUD notifications
- Fixes an issue that could cause a black screen after leaving a game that was close to the End of Round
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Introduction Video to play when booting the title into fullscreen and directly pressing Alt + Enter to go into windowed mode
- Resolved instances where visual artifacts could appear on screen while matchmaking into a new server on the Exodus Conquest playlist
- Fixed instances where binding a secondary input to mouse buttons did not work
- The sorting arrow is now pointed correctly for the Players section in the Battlefield Portal Browse tab
- Fixed an issue with the SG-36 Sentry Gun is floating after being deployed
- Fixed an issue where the turret deploy sound is delayed when deploying SG-36 Sentry Gun with Boris
- Fixed an issue where the OV-P Recon Drone flies in circles after getting pushed by another player
- Fixed a bug where Slow vehicles could not destroy the OV-P Recon Drone by ramming it or running over it
- Fixed an issue Audio hit cue/indicator triggered on Lis's rocket when hitting nothing
- Fixed an issue G-84 TGM gets a hit marker but 0 damage is dealt to the enemy Soldier
Battlefield 2042 Update 2.1 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.