There are many different resources and crafting materials that players can gather and make in "Bellwright," that are used in a variety of recipes.
One of the things you can make in the game is a Simple Cord, which can either be crafted on your own or purchased from vendors in specific areas. This item is needed to craft clothes that are useful in keeping your character protected from damage.
This guide helps players learn how to get Simple Cord using different methods available in "Bellwright." See which of these ways is easier for you to do depending on how far you have progressed in the game.
Where To Buy Simple Cord
The first method of getting Simple Cord in "Bellwright" is by simply buying it from specific vendors throughout the game. The easiest area to get to for this is a Bandit Encampment south of Haerndean.
After you get there, you need to travel west until you find a Craftsman Hut and you can buy up to nine pieces of Simple Cord during the day for only 22 coins, according to Game Rant.
How To Craft Simple Cord
If you want to save your money and simply craft your own Simple Cord, you will first need to research the Weaver Loom at the Research Desk. Before this, you also need to build a Foraging Camp.
After you have the latter, you can research the Weaver Loom using 10 Flax, eight Wood, and three River Reed. You then need 10 Wood, 13 River Reed, and eight Crude Stone to build it and start crafting Simple Cord, The Gamer said.
To craft Simple Cord, you will need one Flax for each piece of material you wish to make. The process itself will take only 15 seconds at a time.
Flax is a common resource in "Bellwright" and can be found in many areas of the game, such as the southern part of Haerndean.
What To Use Simple Cord For
After you get a lot of Simple Cord from crafting, you can finally start using them for the different recipes that need it. Some of these include clothing like Rugged Mitts, Rugged Shirt, and Rugged Trousers.
You will also need to have Simple Cord if you want to craft the Woodcutter's Axe tool, the Elm Shortbow weapon, and the Travel Sign, Trapper's Camp, Weapon Rack, and Bag.
These are all useful items that will help you survive longer in the world of "Bellwright," according to Game Pressure.