Looking for a great new Clash Royale deck for Arena 7? We've got a powerful deck and strategies featuring the newest Elite Barbarian card for battling with the best of them in the arena.
Part of the ongoing fun of playing Clash Royale is building and testing new decks as you work your way up the Arenas. To keep things fresh, the folks at Supercell have also done an incredible job of adding new cards and regular balance changes to keep the game experience fresh and enjoyable.
If you are playing in Arena 7, one of the newest cards to release there is the Elite Barbarians. This card, touted as "like regular barbarians, only harder, better and faster" makes them an interesting choice. They cost more elixir than your standard barbarians and there are only two of them, so some may be reluctant to add the card as a favorite until they figure out exactly how it may be useful.
Fortunately, there are a number of avid Clash Royale fans (myself included) testing the Elite Barbarians in their decks, and they've come up with some unique ways to successfully use them in a deck and we've chosen to feature one submitted to us by one of our readers, below. We tested the deck ourselves in arena 7 and 8 and it held its own. Check it out, and if you find it's helpful, you can check out more of Chun's suggested decks for various arenas, here.
Best Clash Royale Arena 7 Decks: The Elite Barbarian Deck

Hog Rider Level 6
Elite Barbarian Level 8
Minion Horde - Level 7
Skeleton Army - Level 2
Goblin Barrel - Level 3
Fireball - Level 7
Fire Spirits - Level 8
Zap - Level 9
Average elixir cost : 3.6
Strategies for using this deck
At the start of the battle, the best strategy is to use the Hog Rider and Fire Spirits combo. This is a cheap and effective combo. If the opponent counters them with Skeleton Army, Zap it. If there are more than two supports like Witch, Ice Wizard, Mega Minion, and Musketeer, Fireball them along with the tower.
After that, you have to watch your timing for the Hog Rider or Elite Barbarian to attack. For example, a good time to deploy them is when the opponent puts down a Golem or Pekka at the border of the arena. These are costly cards so the opponent's elixir will be drained. Then, drop your Hog Rider and Fire Spirits/Minions on the other lane. Another great time to use this combo is the moment you defeat the opposing push. Counter push always works very well, as the opponent need some time to cycle his/her deck.
The first 2 minutes...
Another great strategy for this deck is the Zap bait strategy. Skeleton Army, Minion Horde, and Goblin Barrel are the cards to bait the opponent’s spells. If any of these cards were deployed in the arena, you would counter with Arrow or Zap, right? That’s the trick.
Once your opponent uses the Arrow or Zap, that's the time to drop another swarm card, because your opponent will have already used their counter-attack. This strategy works great in the first two minutes of the game, but can be effective later as well.
Focus on your defense as this is an aggressive deck. Never give up any tower you have.
Always Fireball the supports if there are more than two supports behind a tanker.
Prepare a counter-push while defending.
Don’t keep using elixirs to save your troops unless it’s spell. Always think about which cards are the most effective at the moment.
Individual Card Explanation
Hog Rider
The Hog Rider works as a tower destroyer in this deck. You have to be careful with your timing, though, when sending the Hog Rider down the lane. Otherwise, most of the players will counter it very effectively. To time it effectively, you have to wait for the opponent to run out of elixir -- for example, after dropping a heavy troop like Golem or Pekka. These cards are slow and costly. After a large elixir use by your opponent can effectively drop the Hog Rider and Fire Spirits on the other lane for a big impact.
Elite Barbarian
The Elite Barbarian shares the same role with Hog Rider, as they travel fast. They will be able to reach the tower before the enemy can generate enough elixirs to defend after a major push.
Minion Horde
The Minion Horde works as a great defensive player against any units on the ground as the some of the ground units do not target the air. Minion Horde also pairs nicely with the Elite Barbarian or Hog Rider for a major push. Just be careful if your opponent has Arrows or Fire Spirits.
Skeleton Army
Another great defensive card. Although Skeleton Army is made up of swarms of tiny Skeletons, but it deals incredibly damage. Only 2 type of card could take them out; Splash unit and AOE spells.
Goblin Barrel
The Goblin Barrel is a cheap yet useful card. It can reach the opposing tower directly without traveling on the ground. Pairing a Goblin Barrel with Hog Rider or Elite Barbarian will end up doing a lot of damage to the tower. Use the Hog Rider or Elite Barbarian as a tank while Goblin Barrel attacks the tower.
The Fireball is very effective in eliminating the strong supports like Witch, Wizard, and Musketeers. If you are having difficulty reaching the supports behind a tanker, just throw a Fireball on them.
Fire Spirits
Fire Spirits travel very fast in the arena. Use them behind the Hog Rider or Elite barbarian during an offense. Fire Spirits are cheap and useful for wiping out swarms on the path.
Zap deals an instant effect. Normally, you need to prepare a Zap after you send the Hog Rider or Elite Barbarian combo down the lane. Zap it when you see the opponent counters your combo with Skeleton Army or Tombstone. I’m also using it to reset the charge by Inferno Tower and Sparky, preventing them from killing your troops so easily.
Like this deck? Have a favorite Arena 7 deck you want to share? Send your deck and strategies to c.harbison@idigitaltimes.com and if we like it, we'll share -- with a hat tip to you, of course!