Looking for the best Clash Royale Electro Wizard decks and strategies for winning the upcoming Electro Wizard Challenge? Check out these decks and strategies for winning the new Legendary card.
On Friday, December 23, Supercell will kick off a new kind of challenge event, which allows players to win the latest Legendary card added to the game, the Electro Wizard.
The company has recently made challenges a regular part of the Clash Royale gameplay, each with its own special twist. For Free-to-Play players, the Electro Wizard Challenge should prove to be particularly enjoyable as it not only offers the opportunity to win a Legendary card, it also allows players to use cards that they may not have unlocked yet.
The Electro Wizard challenge kicks off in less than a day and so for those aiming to win the new legendary card, we’ve compiled a list of everything you need to know about the challenge along with strategies, tips and best decks that have been offered by experienced Clash Royale players on Reddit and other Internet forums. We’ve taken the best of what we’ve found around the web and put it all in one place for you, along with links to the original posts for those who want a more in-depth overview of a given deck or strategy. Hopefully, our list will give Clashers the best possible tools for winning the upcoming Electro Wizard Challenge.
Happy Clashing!
'Clash Royale' Electro Wizard Challenge: Everything You Need To Know

- Electro Wizard Challenge begins Friday, December 23 and will last for three days.
- The first entry to the challenge is free, but subsequent challenges are 100 gems if you choose to try again.
- You can lose up to three games before your challenge ends.
- If you manage to win 12 or more games in the Electro Wizard Challenge, you win the grand prize and of course, the Electro Wizard.
- Players can choose any cards at all to place in their deck – even cards they haven’t unlocked yet.
- The Electro Wizard Challenge will be played with Friendly Battle rules, meaning King Tower is level 9, and all cards are leveled as follows: Common = 9, Rare = 7, Epic = 4, Legendary = 1
- Players can enter the Electro Wizard Challenge as many times as they want. If you manage to reach 12 wins in more than one challenge, then you get another Electro Wizard card for leveling him up.
‘Clash Royale’ Electro Wizard Challenge Decks

Below we’ve compiled several decks offered by Clashers around the web. Some include strategy, others simply the deck. These are compiled in order to give players ideas about the kinds of decks they might use in the Electro Wizard Challenge. When the challenge begins, if we discover new decks that have some proven success, we will add them.
(UPDATED 12/23/16) Winning Decks
These are links to decks/strategy that purportedly brought users 12 wins and the Electro Wizard prize.
- Winning Deck #1
- Winning Deck #2
- Winning Deck #3
- Winning Deck #5
- Winning Deck #6
- Winning Deck #7
- Winning Deck #8
- Winning Deck #9
- Winning Deck #10
- Winning Deck #11
- Winning Deck #12
- Winning Deck #13
- Winning Deck #14
Other Suggested Decks
Electro Wizard Deck #1 (Source: REDDIT)
- Electro Wizard
- Giant
- Elixir Collector
- Fireball
- Elite Barbarians
- Mega Minion
- The Log/Ice Spirit
- Princess
Electro Wizard Deck #2 (Source: REDDIT)
- Electro Wizard
- Fireball
- Guards
- Bowler
- Tornado
- Ice Spirit/Ice Golem
- Hog Rider/Miner/Graveyard
- Inferno Tower.
Electro Wizard Deck #3 (Source: REDDIT)
- Electro Wizard
- The Log
- Fireball
- Xbow
- Guards
- Inferno Tower
- Ice Wizard
- Ice Golem
Electro Wizard Deck #4 (Source: REDDIT)
Ice Wizard
- Electro Wizard
- Giant
- Graveyard Spell
- Hog/Mini Pekka
- Valkrie/Inferno tower
- Minions
- The Log/Arrows
Electro Wizard Deck #5 (Source: REDDIT)
- Ice Golem
- Cannon
- Elite Barbarians
- Fireball
- Electro Wizard
- Mega Minion
- Log
- Archers
** Detailed strategy for using this deck can be found, here.
Deck #6 (Source: Clash Royale Arena)
- Miner
- Fireball
- Electro Wizard
- Tornado
- Ice Golem
- Mega Minion
- Bowler
- Ice Spirit
Electro Wizard Deck #7 (Source: REDDIT)
Mini Pekka
- Hog/Royal Giant
- Mega Minion
- Fireball
- Cannon
- Electro Wizard
- Log
- Princess
Electro Wizard Deck #8 (Source: REDDIT)
- Lavahound
- Inferno Dragon
- Baby Dragon
- Skarmy
- Ice Wizard
- Zap
- Electro Wizard
Electro Wizard Deck #9 (Source: REDDIT)
- Lava hound
- Miner
- Mega Minion
- Skeleton Army/Minions
- Arrows
- Zap
- Tombstone
- Electro Wizard
‘Clash Royale” Electro Wizard Challenge Strategies For Building A Winning Deck
These strategies have been collected from various sources around the web, all of which are linked.
- Use a Fireball – The Electro Wizard brings some pretty “stunning” skills but one thing that brings him to a halt is a fireball, so definitely include one of those in your deck (Source: REDDIT)
- Include A Fireball Bait Back-Up – Since a lot of people will probably include a fireball in their Electro Wizard decks, you may want to consider adding a card that would normally be targeted by the fireball. This way, if they do use their fireball on your Wizard, you can follow soon after with your fireball target card. The card could also potentially be used as bait to get your opponent to use a fireball before you drop your Electro Wizard. (Source: REDDIT)
- Consider a Miner Control, Beatdown or Siege Deck – With players having the opportunity to pick any cards they want in their deck, you can guarantee these battles will be a brutish bloodbath. If you run a lightweight chip damage deck, you’ll probably be annihilated. Just keep that in mind when planning. (Source: REDDIT)
- Leave Zap Spell Out – Keep in mind that the Electro Wizard already comes with zapping power identical to the Zap spell, so use your elixir or a different stun card like the Ice Spirits. (Source: REDDIT)
- Single Troops Are Better Than Hordes – Remember, the Electro Wizard can hit two targets at once, so a good strategy during gameplay is to not get your troops all bunched together or use a lot of hoards as the Electro Wizard can easily combat them. (Source: REDDIT)
- Prepare To Counter A Wizard Deck – When planning your deck/combinations, keep in mind that your opponent will have am Electro Wizard in his or her deck too, so you need to be prepared to defend against it. Be careful not to base your strategy on cards that are vulnerable to it.