BIGFOOT is a first-person survival horror game about hunting the titular character. You can choose to play as a hunter where you can look for Bigfoot along with your friends. You can also play as Bigfoot and have other people hunt you down. If you choose the latter, you’ll have a set of unique abilities at your disposal to give you a fighting chance.
Update 4.4 was released recently and it added the new Yellowstone Park map. It features a beautiful landscape, a cabin, lush foliage, and some bodies of water found all over the place. This massive map provides Bigfoot with a lot of potential hiding spots, so hunting is fun for both sides.

Some gameplay improvements have been implemented as well. For instance, you can now run while carrying a wounded friend. Furthermore, the duration of the GPS tracker has increased from 60 to 180 seconds.
- Displaying skins on weapons behind the back.
- After loading a save, the lobby now displays the saved difficulty of the game.
- Bigfoot Item Throw
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Power Cost: 5 seconds
- Added 50% destruction after item throw
- Totem spawn randomization system.
- Weapon spawn randomization system for Remington 700/870/Glock 17/Flare Gun.
- Window break jump now deals 10 damage. Jumping through a broken window deals 1 damage.
- New Animal: Bison
- Bigfoot AI navigation mesh improvements.
- Improved Bigfoot's reaction to sounds and light.
- Improved Bigfoot hunter search in a zone.
- Improved stealth system.
- Increased Hunting Tower Health from 25 to 50.
- Med Kit Healing Increased from 40 (1 Player) to 25 (4 Players) To 50-35.
- Max 9mm inventory ammo amount decreased from 255 to 150.
- Max 7.62mm inventory ammo amount decreased from 255 to 150.
- Max totem count increased from 8 to 10.
- Drone signal distance increased to 600 meters.
- Flare gun scares away Bigfoot for a long time.
- Number of flare missiles was reduced by -2.
- Increased signal flare inventory limit to 3.
- Decreased stamina cost for hunter parkour to 15.
- Bug with raising a wounded friend if he is in the water.
- Locker code saving.
- Evidence saving.
- Incorrect display of map icons.
- A Bigfoot trap can pull a hunter out of the house.
- Bug with Bigfoot trailer attack.
- Rain rendering in some houses.
- Rocks, Clouds, Fog Materials Fixes.
- Bigfoot and other animals may catch fire if in contact with fire. Bigfoot loses strength if he is on fire.
- Camera icon doesn't disappear after taking a photo.
- Bigfoot AI behavior bugs.
- Bug with butchering an animal's corpse.
- Taking Bigfoot and evidence photos of bugs.
- Parkour through boarded windows.
BIGFOOT Update 4.4 is available on PC.