Black Desert Mobile's most recent update introduces Gear Awakening and Family Blessings. With these new systems in place, adventurers should be able to become more powerful not only by being able to level up their characters quickly, but also enhancing their gear even further. Then there is also the Combat Power (CP) Analysis Suggestion.
Get better gear
The Gear Awakening system is a way for adventurers to get stronger gear. What happens is that awakening weapons and armor results in the gear's base Attack Power (AP) and Defense Power (DP) being increased. However, not all gear can be awakened. The following types of gear can be awakened:
- Abyssal-grade gear
- Ultimate Liverto gear
- Ultimate Grunil gear
- Ultimate Rosar gear
- Ultimate Kite gear
- 3-Slot Mystical-grade gear

Just in case you didn’t like the new version, the awakened gear can be changed back to its original state.
Get the buffs you want
The new update also adds Family Blessings. This new feature gives EXP buffs to all characters with the exception of the highest-level character in the player’s Family. Thus, when player logs in with a character that’s not the highest-level character, that character gets a +50% EXP buff applied to these areas: Normal Field (hunting), Black Spirit Mode (hunting), Field of Valor, Nightmare, Ancient Ruins, and Boss Rushes.

Like what was mentioned earlier, once the character that receives the Family Blessing gets to the same level as the highest-level character in the Family, the blessings applied stop. Still, this means players can grow their entire Family to the point that all other characters reach the same level as the highest-level character.
Get good tips
Another interesting addition to the game is the CP Analysis Suggestion. This is a system that analyzes a player’s CP and compares it to other adventurers with a similar CP. This system shows players different ways to increase their CP. In addition, it’s also easier since everything is shown in a single organized screen. In particular, information going to be displayed includes:
- Areas where the player’s CP is higher than others with similar CPs
- Areas where the player’s CP is lower than others with similar CPs

Other Updates
Aside from these interesting features, the update also introduces these:
- Tower of Trials
- Floors 31–46 have been added.
- Auto-Enchant
- New system added.
- Once the player’s Black Spirit reaches level 65, they can now use this feature to continuously enchant they gear until they get the enchantment they want.
- Changes to Main UI
- Location of Guild and Skill buttons changed.
- Battle-related UIs split to 3 types.
You can view the other changes that came with the update here.