Black Lightning episode 4, “Black Jesus,” doesn’t start slow. Jefferson’s day begins with a student overdosing in a bathroom stall. Later that night, Jefferson suits up and goes around town intimidating The 100 gang in search of answers and a name. This week's song recap contains spoilers.

Anissa spots two of her students hanging with members of The 100 on her way to work. She pulls over to the side of the road with “Golden” by Kara Marni blasting. Meanwhile, Jefferson is dealing with a new drug called ‘Green Light’ circulating the high school campus.
Lady Eve, played by Jill Scott, reveals Tobias Whale lost his career as a politician, went underground and started working with The 100. She admits this casually while stirring some sort of tube around in an unconscious body. Meanwhile, the student who overdosed is on the verge of being expelled. Jefferson is determined to not let that happen, as it could ruin the young teen’s chances at a successful future.
“Unstoppable” by Shredtvt plays as Jennifer visits Khalil, now paralyzed, in the hospital. She breaks down in tears watching him go through physical therapy and struggles to accept the fact he’ll never be able to walk again. Elsewhere in the morgue, Tobias Whale kills the man who didn’t burn Black Lightning’s body back in the day.
After a heated dinner with Inspector Henderson about Black Lightning’s vigilantism, Anissa goes back to teach those guys from earlier in the episode a lesson. A Black Lightning original song, “Green Light” by Godholly plays in the background of the bar where Jefferson goes to find the drug dealer selling narcotics to high schoolers.
After Jefferson’s diplomatic approach with “Two-Bits” doesn’t get the message across, Black Lightning pays him a visit while the groovy “Stop Me” by Trapo plays. Jefferson strikes a deal, offering not to tell the police if Two-Bits gives up the location of the stash house.
“Flex” by INGRID & Sevyn Streeter is our introduction to Tobias Whale’s sister, who is back in Freeland to help him take down Black Lightning for the second time. She rolls up top down in a convertible ready for action.
Back in the hospital, Khalil is receiving anonymous gifts. He’s got a whole new video game hookup and one of them has “Showing Off” by R-Mean & Mitch Littlez on the soundtrack. Tobias Whale eventually pays Khalil a visit in the middle of the night and tries to convince him it's Black Lightning's fault he's paralyzed. The episode concludes with the theme song once again.
Those are all the tracks we heard in episode 4. Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments.
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