In Breath of the Wild, rupee farming may be more important than in any previous Legend of Zelda game. A lot of late-game gear and armor upgrades depend on significant investments of thousands or tens of thousands of rupees. These amounts mean Breath of the Wild dispenses with the traditional Legend of Zelda wallet limits and allow players to make (seemingly) unlimited rupees from the very beginning. This is great news, especially considering how many high cost items exist in the world, not to mention a house in Hateno village, too.
So if you’re looking to do some Breath of the Wild rupee farming, you’ve come to the right spot. We’ve got a few tips for rupee farming, including a gambling minigame that can be exploited with save files and a beginner’s guide to building a nest egg that should help you get rich (kind of) fast.
Breath of the Wild Rupee Farming: Gotta Make Money To Really Make Money
Ultimately, the best way to do rupee farming in Breath of the Wild is going to be to exploit a game of chance. But, as you’ll see below, it depends on two things. First, that you’ve found the location which, if you’re just starting out, isn’t exactly right around the corner. And second, that you’ve got a little extra money to burn. So here’s some tips to help you earn rupees early on until you can make the trek to Lurelin Village.
READ: This Redditor’s Rupee Trick Earns 700 Rupees In 3 Minutes
Gather critters (restless crickets, hot-footed frogs, hightail lizards, etc) so that you can make extra elixirs to sell. You’ll have plenty of monster parts in your inventory anyway (hang on to some bokoblin horn ) to turn into valuable potions. While in sneak mode, use a charged attack (just a level one charge, not a full charge) with a sword to cut down big circles of grass in fields and you’ll gather plenty in no time.
Keep an eye out for ore deposits on cliffsides, especially in the Zora region. They’re packed with valuable gemstones and easy to spot since they’re dark and have a bit of a shimmer. If you find an iron sledgehammer, don’t use it as a weapon: save it for breaking open ore deposits. You can also use bombs, but the explosion can scatter the gemstones so be careful.

There are plenty of hidden treasure chests in Breath of the Wild, too. While longtime Zelda fans know to look for the telltale signs of bomb-able boulders and walls (i.e. cracked surfaces), Breath of the Wild introduces a new mechanic for you to obsess over: sunken treasure. The magnesis rune lets you pull chests from up under the water so make a habit of scanning bodies of water while the rune is active to see if there’s anything you can snatch from a riverbed. Also, feeding apples to dogs will cause them to lead you to buried treasure, which you also retrieve using magnesis.
Breath of the Wild Rupee Farming: Gambling Isn’t Against The Hyrules
Once you’ve progressed through the game a bit and built up a little nest egg, the surest way for Breath of the Wild rupee farming is to exploit saves at a gambling den located in Lurelin Village. It’s in the Faron Tower region, far to the east of the tower itself. If you head south from Hateno Tower (for a long, long time) you’ll get there too. Closest fast travel is the Yah Rhin Shrine.
Once you find the village look for a hut with gemstone signage. This is the spot to play the classic Zelda “here’s three chests guess which has the rupees in it.” The maximum bet is 100 rupees, and the payout is 300. With some time, patience, good guessing and save exploitation you can make a lot of fast cash here.
Got any of your own tricks for rupee farming in BotW ? Wanna share in the comments? Also, if you’re looking for more BotW guides and tips and news and stuff check out this Goron-sized list of links for more from iDigi.
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