Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare is having a double XP Zombies weekend right now, and it concludes Monday. For those playing other modes, developers also released a few tips to make Salvage collecting more bearable.
First and foremost, Infinity Ward has confirmed that a Zombies double XP weekend is underway for those playing in public matches. The promotion is not applied to solo or private environments, so you’ll have to get online if you want the benefits of those high-level unlocks. Last week Infinite Warfare’s standard multiplayer was augmented with double XP, so the current promotion makes a lot of sense. The event’s scheduled end time is around 10 a.m. PST.
For folks less interested in the undead, the developer also dropped some new and equally unhelpful tips to speed up progression in the game’s controversial Salvage system. In a brand new tweet, community managers outlined four ways Salvage can be quickly accumulated. These include completing Mission Team Rewards, supply drops, daily login bonuses and duplicate items in said supply drops.
Looking for ways to get Salvage in #InfiniteWarfare MP? Here's how:
— Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) November 10, 2016
Infinite Warfare ’s Salvage system is quite possibly the most despised aspect of its multiplayer suite. Salvage is collected with progress, and it’s used to craft different tiers of the game’s weapon catalog. The major problem, however, is that Salvage drops are so tiny that it can sometimes take dozens of hours just to unlock a more advanced gun variation with major perks. To earn Salvage more quickly, supply drops can be purchased with real-world cash. This element has caused many critics to refer to the scheme as a pay-to-win scenario. After all, those that pay extra are far more likely to get better guns.
Activision’s tweet is a response to those asking for more Salvage, but it doesn’t really address the issue. Playing Infinite Warfare for a handful of hours will reveal exactly where Salvage comes from. The reward purses just need to be larger.
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare is available now and is on sale alongside several franchise titles for Black Friday. It can be played on PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Will you be taking part in the Zombies double XP weekend? How do you feel about Infinite Warfare’s Salvage system? Tell us in the comments section!