‘Captain America: Civil War’ Easter Eggs: References to Comics, Past and Future Films [VIDEO]

This image is just one of many Easter Eggs in 'Civil War'
This image is just one of many Easter Eggs in 'Civil War' Marvel Studios

Captain America: Civil War is set to become one of the biggest movies of all time , and as the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to churn out quality films, there are bound to be plenty of Easter Eggs that reference the movies and the source material. Civil War, like past Marvel Studios films and television series, has plenty of hidden gems,, even some that the most astute comic book readers may have missed.

Luckily, Mr. Sunday Movies has created another Easter Eggs video that lists off the many references in Captain America: Civil War in an entertaining way. Check out the Civil War Easter Eggs video below.

SPOILER ALERT! The video and the following will spoil a lot of the Civil War movie. If you haven’t seen the film you may want to turn back now.

There are plenty of references to the comic book storyline that changed the state of Marvel Comics for years, including some awesome imagery (just take a look at that header image) and even nods to some of the Russo Brothers’ earlier directorial gigs.

Black Panther’s involvement in the film and his background in the comics (and for his upcoming movie) are referenced a couple of times in Civil War’ s Easter Eggs. Spider-Man has some nifty Easter Eggs that you may not have noticed, and some great movies like Fargo , Seven and The Godfather are referenced.

There’s a lot going on in Captain America: Civil War and these Easter Eggs give viewers a different look at the making of the film.

So what do you think of the Civil War Easter Eggs? Is there anything that was missed? Let us know in the comments section below.

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