Clash Of Clans will get its annual Halloween update in a couple weeks and sneak peeks are expected to start soon. A tweet from the game’s Japanese Twitter account includes a message to get fans excited.
もうすぐアップデートプレビュー! #クラクラ
— クラッシュ・オブ・クラン【公式】 (@ClashofClansJP) October 6, 2017
While translation tools are always a little spotty, the message above translates to something like “update preview coming soon #dizzy.”
The surface text tells us teasers are about to begin and the hashtag might be a clue about what the patch will include. However, before we get too excited, it’s worth noting that Clash Of Clans’ most recent Halloween surprise left a lot to be desired. In an update dispatched on Oct. 25, 2016, users were only offered a one-gem spell boost and reduced training time for Skeleton Spells, Witches, Balloons and Wall Breakers. The game’s default soundtrack and map was also swapped out for a spookier atmosphere.
That being said, if this year’s Halloween update warrants sneak peeks ahead of its release, we imagine there might be something bigger in play. After all, as witnessed during August’s Clashiversary event, Supercell has enjoyed experimentation with limited-time troops. As hard as that was for the developer to balance, it’s possible we could see more of it in the weeks ahead.
The #dizzy hashtag is quite possibly the most telling hint of all. If we had to guess, dizzy, or something like it, might be the name of a brand-new spell. While Clashiversary was a very troop-focused event, maybe the Halloween one will emphasize spells to better coincide with the holiday. Regardless of the form it takes, this official tease confirms that fans should expect developments soon.
Even though this spooky promotion is almost here, it hasn’t been that long since Clash Of Clans’ last big update. At the tail end of September, Supercell introduced Builder Hall 7 to the Builder Base with two new troops and matchmaking adjustments that greatly impacted the game at large. It’s also worth noting that Clash Royale is getting a substantial update this month that includes a new Touchdown mode, more challenges and new quests. Frequent updates like these have managed to keep us all glued to our devices.
Clash Of Clans is available now on Android and iOS.
What would you like to see from Clash Of Clans’ Halloween 2017 update? Will we get more limited-time perks or just a cheap spell boost? Tell us your predictions in the comments section!