Conan Exiles Hotfix 2.0.6 went live yesterday. The update isn’t exactly content-heavy, however, it does bring some much needed technical improvements. Multiple crash issues, both client and server-side, have been fixed. The game’s performance during fights has also been improved. Additionally, performance in Storms is more stable.
PC Exiles!
— Conan Exiles (@ConanExiles) October 13, 2020
A new hotfix for PC is out, addressing some exploits, Maelstrom?️ issues, lighting problems as well as a second pass for the resilient ?️blinding?️ glowing goops.
✏️ Patchnotes here ?
Maelstrom related exploits and several security vulnerabilities have been dealt with. When inside Maelstorm, a fixed number of enemies will now attack the player. This change was made for balancing purposes. Lighting in some specific areas of Isle of Siptah is improved and texture issues with glowing assets are fixed.
There are several other changes that the hotfix update made. You can read about them below and on the official site. This update is only available for PC for now, so I would expect a console version of the update soon.
Conan Exiles Hotfix 2.0.6 Patch Notes
Performance and Stability
- Fixed a number of client and server crashes
- Fixed performance during fights with a high number of NPCs, especially during the storm
Exploit Fixes
- Confiscated a Pym Particles shipment that was smuggled into the Isle of Siptah. #attackonexiles
- Fixed a Maelstrom related exploit
- Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities
AI and Thrall Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented ambush enemies from attacking their target when spawned
Balance Updates
- Limited the number of enemies that can attack an individual inside the Maelstrom
General BugFixes
- Fixed an issue that caused players in Single Player or Co-op sessions from setting the appropriate storm effects and ambush enemy spawn rates
Terrain and Environment Fixes
- Fixed some drastic and unintended light level changes in certain areas of the Isle of Siptah
- Fixed the textures on certain glowing assets
UI and Text Fixes
- Fixed a UI issue in the crafting section
So what do you think? Are you interested in any of these changes? Have you been playing Conan Exiles recently? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.