Core Keeper invites players to a whole new sandy adventure with the latest update, Desert of Beginnings.
Core Keeper’s second major content patch highlights the titular biome, where players will face a new titan boss named Ra-Akar, the Sand Titan. The Desert of Beginnings also houses a sub-biome called the Molten Quarry, where brave adventurers will face the fiery Igneous, the Molten Mass.
The Desert of Beginnings Update introduces new mechanics as well, most notably the Go-Karts that allow players to traverse the desert at high speed. Additionally, players can now go fishing from minecarts and boats, which is a welcome quality-of-life improvement as they don’t have to leave their vehicles when doing so.

Patch Notes
- New biome: Desert of Beginnings.
- New sub-biome in the Desert: Molten Quarry.
- Ra-Akar the Sand Titan (titan boss).
- Igneous the Molten Mass (side boss).
- 6 new enemies.
- New Caveling Spearman and Skirmisher that spawn in the Clay Caves along with new scenery objects related to these new enemies. They can also spawn from Clay Moss. Players who have already explored the whole of the Clay Caves biome may need to play in a new world to access all the new decorative objects related to these Cavelings.
- 12 new critters that will be unique to the different biomes.
- Go-Karts. Traverse the desert at high speed or race against each other! Some old race tracks built a long time ago can also be found in the world.
- It is now possible to fish from Boats and Minecarts.
- Added a Cross Circuit that separates horizontal and vertical wires. Useful to allow crossing wires without connecting the electricity.
- Levers now emit electricity when turned on without needing electricity from a Generator. The electricity from a Lever reaches half the distance of a Generator.
- Galaxite ore.
- Galaxite Workbench with new tools, crafting, and base-building options.
- 40+ new weapons and equipment.
- New decorative objects.
- 10 new fish, including a legendary one!
- New valuables.
- Legendary Mining Pick.
- A Bug Net can be crafted in the Tin Workbench that allows the player to catch small beetles, larvae, fireflies, and other critters. After a bug has been caught, it can be placed into the world and remain in the world indefinitely. The Bug Net has replaced the Tin Hoe in the Tin Workbench. The Tin Hoe now drops from crates, chests, and other sources in the Dirt and Clay biomes instead.
- Dynamite Pack: explodes when connected to electricity.
- Pressure Plate: emits electricity when stepped on by a player and reaches the same distance as Levers.
- Galaxite Trap: crafted in the Galaxite Workbench. It is similar to Spike Traps but shoots flames, burns the enemies, and deals more damage!
- Galaxite Turret: crafted in Galaxite Workbench. Shoots projectiles when there are enemies in front of it and it’s connected to electricity.
Core Keeper: Desert of Beginnings Update is available on PC.