It’s been five years since Desperate Housewives bid farewell to a large and loyal audience but it seems the memory of the four leading ladies and their penchant for digging up the dirt on their Wisteria Lane neighbors still burns bright. Or at least that’s what mobile game developer MegaZebra was hoping on Wednesday, when they dropped a new mobile adventure, Desperate Housewives: The Game.
If you’ve played any other celebrity adventure games like Kendall and Kylie or Movie Star Planet , the structure will be familiar. But for those (like me) who loved the Desperate Housewives series, MegaZebra ’s new game will seem a cut above the rest, invoking reminders of things we love best about the show and its flawed but fabulous cast.
Desperate Housewives: The Game begins with a cutscene of the quiet Wisteria Lane neighborhood. As the familiar theme song rolls in, players are transported into the world of Susan, Lynette, Bree and Gaby. Players assumes the identity of a 30- or 40-something advice columnist taking up residence in her old family home in Wisteria Lane. The very first face you run into is Susan, who gushes profusely about how much she loves your column and then quickly invites you to join her and the girls for their weekly poker game. The main plot springs into action, however, when you receive a call from your father saying he’s in some kind of trouble. He won’t give you any details about where he is or what kind of trouble he’s in, saying that it’ll “look bad.” Instead he tasks you with retrieving a tackle box and a gun, both stored in the house. He asks you to keep the gun and find a safe place to hide the tackle box. As you puzzle through what on earth could be happening with your dad, a news report breaks that one of Wisteria Lane’s residents, Jimmy, has been murdered.

Despite the fact that Jimmy was a much disliked member of the community, your character can’t help but wonder if your father was somehow involved in the man’s death. At this point, the game really begins as players complete tasks that help them unlock new locations, increase relationship points and find new clues to help solve the game’s ever developing mystery.
Besides the dramatic storyline, fans of the Desperate Housewives TV series will be thrilled by the game’s endless hat tips to the show. From Susan’s burnt mac and cheese to Bree’s meticulously kept garden and shotgun skills, you’ll definitely feel you’ve stepped into the world of Wisteria Lane’s most infamous housewives.

As with most celebrity adventure games, there is a glamour aspect to the game, as players unlock new outfits, hairstyles and accessories for their characters. You also have the ability to unlock new home décor items as well. And of course we can’t forget the side romances, to boot!
While celebrity adventures are my favorite mobile game genre, Desperate Housewives; The Game delivers plenty of entertainment for those who love the genre.
The game is free for download now on the Apple App Store and is quickly moving up the ranks of the most popular new game releases. Check it out, here.