If you have been playing Destiny for a while, you definitely know who Xur is and have a good idea about all the exotics he gives you weekly. This week, you can find Xur on Io at Giant Scar.

Xur’s inventory for the week of September 18 consists of the following:
- Riskrunner, Exotic Submachine Gun: 29 Legendary Shards
- Young Ahamkara's Spine, Exotic Hunter Gauntlets: 23 Legendary Shards
- Wormgod Caress, Exotic Titan Gauntlets: 23 Legendary Shards
- Apotheosis Veil, Exotic Warlock Helmet: 23 Legendary Shards
- Exotic Engram: 97 Legendary Shards
The Riskrunner is an exotic submachine gun. Its exotic perk, Arc Conductor, converts the arc damage you receive to power your weapon. We suggest using it for raids in which enemies deal arc damage, as this will help clear the enemies quicker. The exotic weapon is pretty useless when it comes to PvP, as the damage it deals isn't much unless hit by arc element.
Young Ahamkara’s Spine:
The Young Ahamkara’s Spine is an exotic Hunter gauntlet. Its exotic perk, Wish-dragon Teeth, increases the blast radius of your tripmine grenades. This exotic is pretty useful in PvP, as you can deal tons of damage to the enemy and use the tripmine sound to gather intel. The elemental roll comes with a total of 60 stats.
Wormgod Caress:
The Wormgod Caress is an exotic Titan gauntlet. Its exotic perk, Burning Fists, causes melee kills to increase the melee damage for a while. The gauntlet is amazing for Titans who like utilizing close-ranged combat. The elemental roll comes with a total of 60 stats.
Apotheosis Veil:
The Apotheosis Veil is an exotic Warlock helmet. Its exotic perk, Insatiable, allows your allies to get class energy when you cast a super ability. You will also charge all of your abilities up when your super is activated. The elemental roll comes with a total of 63 stats.
So, what are your thoughts on Xur's offers this week? Do you like any of the Exotics he is selling? Whatever your thoughts may be, let us know in the comments below.