New information on Destiny’s last in-game event, Age of Triumph, was revealed during the first of three planned live streams about the upcoming event. We’d be lying if we said our first look at the Age of Triumph was particularly interesting, since it wasn’t much more than three Bungie employees reading the new record book verbatim, but we did learn a bit more about the changes coming to Destiny: Rise of Iron later this month.
Destiny ’s Age of Triumph will deliver the largest record book since the digital books were introduced last year. And the Age of Triumph’s record book will probably hand out more free loot than any of its predecessors, thanks to new pages that reward Destiny players upon completion in addition to counting towards their overall completion percentage. The event will also bring all the Light level of all raids up to 390 and introduce new design elements to each. There will be new loot too, taking the form of raid-specific weapon ornaments. Unfortunately, Age of Triumph won’t raise the current Light cap (400) and today's live stream didn't include any mention of expanded vault space.
Hilariously enough, today’s Age of Triumph live stream reveal included a brief segment in which the Bungie team announced the final reward the studio has planned for fans of its shared-world shooter. In addition to the emblems and other in-game rewards Destiny players will earn during the game’s last event, anyone who upgrades their Age of Triumph record book to Rank 7 gains the distinct honor of … paying Bungie for a t-shirt with your name on it?
Yes, really.
They made a big deal about how you can go earn the right to buy a shirt from the Bungie shop. That’s the best reward Bungie could come up with after three years of underwhelming premium expansions, tiny updates and frequent disappointment. The chance to give Bungie more money.
For more on Destiny’s upcoming Age of Triumph event, set aside some time to watch today’s live stream in its entirety. Then head down to the comments section and let us know if you’re planning to participate in Destiny’s final live event when it begins later this month.
Destiny: Rise of Iron is currently available on PS4 and Xbox One. The game’s long-awaited sequel is scheduled to emerge in Q3 2017.
Be sure to check back with iDigitalTimes and follow Scott on Twitter for more Destiny news in 2017 and however long Bungie supports the Destiny franchise in the years ahead.