Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is out now for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, and it’s a big, complicated, and interesting game that gives players a great deal of freedom. However, that freedom can make the game occasionally difficult and confusing. We’ve covered some of the game’s mechanics in depth in our stealth guide and hacking guide, but here are some more general tips for how to take yourself through the world of the game. No spoilers for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided below.
Don’t Run Too Much In Prague

The police in Prague are jittery—and bigoted against augmented people. Sometimes, and it’s unclear whether it’s a bug or not, the cops start shooting at you if you bump into them or even just run on by. Take your time, follow the rules and you won’t get into trouble. Or just get into shootouts with the cops a lot; that works too.
Always Save A Few Praxis Points
Don’t spend praxis points as soon as you earn them. Always save one or preferably two points in reserve. You can use them at a moment’s notice when you run into a new obstacle—a high-level computer, an area where you really need to move silently, a place with so enemies you just need to pop a Typhoon—and get yourself out of a jam. Holding praxis points in reserve lets you specialize for the challenges at hand when you need to, rather than just guessing beforehand.
Use Multi-Tools
We covered this in detail in our hacking guide, but don’t be afraid to use multi-tools. These devices, which can be crafted for just 120 crafting parts, can automatically hack most locked terminals and computers and can open many locked doors. They’re extremely handy in a pinch, or when you run into an obstacle your skills can’t handle yet.
Focus On Ammo More Than Guns
Whether you expect to take a stealthy route in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided or jump straight in guns blazing, you don’t want to carry too much weaponry with you. The inventory is relatively small, especially before you upgrade it, and weapons take up a lot of space. You aren’t going to have a full arsenal. But the game offers several different kinds of ammo for each of the main guns. Instead of carrying lots of guns, carry lots of ammo types instead—regular rounds, armor-piercing, EMP and even stun rounds pop up now and then. It gives you a lot more versatility with a single weapon—and makes it easier to pick up a really good new one you find along the way.
Specialize In Your Specialty
You can beat Deus Ex: Mankind Divided by a combination of stealth and gun-running, but you’ll have a harder time than if you focus primarily on one path. The stealth and hacking upgrades take a lot of praxis; so do the upgrades for health regeneration, reduced weapons damage and more powerful attacks. You can dabble in both, or you can go mostly whole hog one direction or the other—once you decide what route you prefer. You’re always going to have to do some shooting (not necessarily killing), but don’t invest praxis in skills you don’t particularly want to use all that much.
Take The Experimental Augments
Don’t be afraid to take the experimental augments.
You have to turn off an existing augment to get them, but the experimental ones are so powerful that it can be worth it. If one of them fits your playstyle, go for it! But don’t think you can grab them all—be judicious, because there’s not all that much stuff you can practically turn off.
Look Everywhere
Deus Ex has excellent level design. Take your time and look everywhere to find alternate routes around a situation or into a hard-to-reach area. Whether you’re looking for secrets or just to avoid a fight, most of the time you’ll end up finding another way around. The game is designed so you can play it entirely nonlethally, so you can count on another way around most situations.
Any other big Deus Ex: Mankind Divided tips? Let us know in the comments!