Season Six of Diablo Immortal is now underway. The main theme of this season is Zoltan Kulle and his constructs. It appears that the unique constructs he built are still working, despite the fact that Zoltan Kulle’s library is on the brink of destruction.
Season Six Battle Pass

There is a new Battle Pass and it has Free, Empowered, and Collector’s Empowered tracks. Those who will get the Empowered Battle Pass can unlock the Below the Sands Weapon cosmetic at Rank One and the Below the Sands Armor cosmetic at Rank 40.
Players who purchase the Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass will have access to all of the rank rewards from the other two tracks, in addition to the Below the Sands Avatar Frame, Portal cosmetic, and a ten-rank boost.
New Limited-Time Bundle

Aside from the Battle Pass, players can also purchase the Boon of the Progenitors Bundle from now until November 16 at 3 a.m. server time. This bundle contains 14 days’ worth of login rewards, including two Legendary Gems in the form of The Abiding Curse and Frozen Heart.
The Abiding Curse is a Legendary Gem in Diablo Immortal that empowers players' attacks to have a 15% chance to inflict a curse, which reduces the enemy’s movement and attack speeds by 35%.
On the other hand, the Frozen Heart Legendary Gem gives players a frigid shield after taking damage that lasts for six seconds. The shield chills enemy attackers and absorbs damage equal to a percentage of the player’s base damage plus 1,458.
Dungeon Experience Rewards Increased
Blizzard has increased the experience rewards for all dungeons in the latest update as well. According to the company, this change was implemented because dungeons were not granting as much XP as other activities in Diablo Immortal, such as Elder Rifts and open-world farming.
Other Changes
Purge the Depths
Remnants are now automatically looted and shown to all party members.
Unopened chests are displayed on the minimap after a room has been cleared.
Ancestral Tableau Improvement
Ancestral Weapons with inherited essence may now be placed in the Ancestral Tableau. An item’s inherited essence does not dictate the Ancestral Property of the deposited weapon.
Blessing of the Worthy
The Rank one and two description text for the Blessing of the Worthy Legendary Gem has been updated to correctly reflect the existing functionality of the unleashed retribution damage effect scaling off current life at all ranks. This is a text correction only and has no bearing on the functionality of the gem.
What can you say about the latest Battle Pass in Diablo Immortal? Are you going to get the Boon of the Progenitors Bundle