In Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth you’ll have plenty of battles between “wild” Digimon and other Tamers. The game does a decent job of explaining the basics of battling Digimon but there are a lot of intricate details left unexplained..
These details can turn the tide of battle and help you prepare for future showdowns. Digimon have types, element attributes and all sorts of other differences that you will have to pay attention to.
We’ve compiled this Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth battle guide to help you defeat your opponents with ease.

The basics of battling in Cyber Sleuth are...basic. It’s a turn-based system that can be heavily focused on turn order and how many turns each Digimon get. That, of course, is based on the Digimon’s Speed stat, which we will get to later.
But the turn order of every battle is shown on the right side of the screen so you’ll know exactly who attacks when. This will help you decide whether you’ll want to “gang up” on one Digimon to knock them out of the battle early or spread the pain around..
Your options in battle are GUARD, which your Digimon will defend and take half damage.
ITEM lets you use items to heal or increase your stats.
ATTACK lets your Digimon do a normal attack that doesn’t use your stamina.
ESCAPE allows for your team to escape, but this is only used in wild encounters.
CHANGE lets you switch your Digimon in your battle party with one from your RESERVES.
There is also an AUTO MODE that you can use to have your Digimon fight for themselves. You can cancel it at anytime once you’ve activated it.
SKILL is where you can use your Digimon’s special attacks. As your Digimon level up, it will gain new skills to use in combat. Every Skill has its own power, accuracy and element and will drain your Digimon’s SP so be aware of how much they have.
There are also status effects that your Digimon can be afflicted with or inflict to others that can change stats, affect turn order amongst other things.
Here’s the graphic that explains the status effects.

But in battle, you’ll see symbols next to each Digimon you encounter. These indicate the TYPE and ATTRIBUTE of the Digimon
There are four TYPES of Digimon in the Digital World, VIRUS, VACCINE, DATA and FREE. The first three types are strong and weak against one another in the same way WATER, FIRE and GRASS types are in the Pokemon franchise.
FREE types are neutral so they don’t take more or less damage from other types.
But the other three are cyclical and they go as such: VIRUS is strong against DATA, DATA is strong against VACCINE and VACCINE is strong against VIRUS. This advantage can either double the damage you deal or half the damage.
Check out the chart below.

Along with the TYPE, Digimon and their attacks have certain elemental ATTRIBUTES. The attribute of an attack will be indicated when choosing the SKILL but the color of your TYPE symbol will indicate what elemental ATTRIBUTE your Digimon belongs to.
There are nine different elements that are spread across three different strength/weakness cycles.
First off, NEUTRAL is just as its namesake says. It’s not weak or strong against any other type. This is normally relegated to baby class Digimon.
Next up is the cycle between WATER, FIRE and PLANT. Just like in Pokemon, FIRE is good against PLANT, PLANT good against WATER and WATER good against FIRE.
ELECTRIC, EARTH and WIND are the next elements. ELECTRIC is good against WIND, WIND good against EARTH and EARTH is good against ELECTRIC.
The final two elements are LIGHT and DARK. They are actually good against each other.
The ATTRIBUTE cycles are documented below.

Each individual Digimon has certain stats that determine how they fight on the battlefield.
HP is self-explanatory but your Digimon’s SP is how much they can use their special skills. Again, this is like the PP in Pokemon.
ATK is your attack stat that determines your Digimon’s normal ATTACK strength.
DEF is how well your Digimon can take hits.
INT is your Digimon’s INTELLIGENCE that determines your Digimon’s SKILL strength.
SPD is SPEED and helps determine the battle’s turn order and even if your Digimon can attack more than once in a row.
CAM is your Digimon’s CAMARADERIE stat. Where you look at the turn order during battle, you’ll see a gauge. This fills up the higher your CAM percentage is and can only happen when the two Digimon are adjacent on the timeline.
This stat gives a chance for Digimon to do group attacks. This will deal extra damage or increase certain SKILLS.
There are four types of CROSS COMBOS, which do the following:

Every Digimon has a certain PERSONALITY when they are hatched. These act like natures in Pokemon and will determine what stats are boosted when leveling up.
Here are the different types of PERSONALITY traits a Digimon can have and what stat they affect:
Endurance Type (HP+5%)
Vitality Type (SP+5%)
Attack Type (Atk+5%)
Defense Type (Def+5%)
Intelligent Type (Int+5%)
Speedy Type (Spd+5%)
Development Type - Only affects Farm.
Investigation Type - Only affects Farm.
You can boost these stats even higher in the DigiFarm or using items that can be found or bought in-game.
Use these notes to see what your specific Digimon will do best in battle.