'Doctor Panic' Is Toy Fair 2016's Wackiest Party Game

Doctor Panic was the goofiest game we saw at Toy Fair 2016
Doctor Panic was the goofiest game we saw at Toy Fair 2016 Asmodee

Party games have become increasingly popular and goofy ever since the rise of Cards Against Humanity, and publisher Asmodee looks to continue the trend with Doctor Panic. This wacky game sees players take on the role of a team of surgeons who must keep a patient alive.

The game components for Doctor Panic
The game components for Doctor Panic Asmodee

Doctor Panic is a zany party game for two to nine people, and it’s team-based as well,” Cat Miller told iDigitalTimes. Miller is the International Co-printing Coordinator at Asmodee.

Players will have to race to complete a series of tasks, such as sorting pills into a pill container, identifying and inspecting different body parts and even building a CAT scan machine to pass their patient through.

Along with a board game and several physical components, Doctor Panic also comes with an app to run alongside your play session. “There’s a really fun app that runs while the game is going that tells you what the patient is doing,” said Miller. This app provides a timer for Doctor Panic, making each round about 13 minutes long.

“While the app is playing, occasionally the patient will flatline," said Miller. "While he’s flatlining, one player has to do 'compressions' [push down repeatedly on a heart-shaped whoopee cushion] while the other players are putting together a code to resuscitate and jolt the patient. Once the code is found, the players have to shout ‘Clear!’ and all hit the table at the same time. The app will recognize that sound and decides if he’s back to being normal, or if you have to do it again."

The app can mess with players in other ways as well. "Another thing that can happen is the phone will ring, and it’s your boss calling," said Miller. "The boss will tell you something to do that makes your task even harder. For example, one makes everyone have to jump up and down the whole time to complete their mission.”

Doctor Panic should be making its way to store shelves by March or April.

So what do you think? Are you looking for a new party game to bring to your group? What other Toy Fair games interest you this year? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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