With the return of Jon Snow, political tensions in The North are about to come to a boil. Sansa and Theon have escaped Winterfell. Roose is dead. The mutinous Night’s Watch has been toppled by the wildlings. Is now the moment that yet another Stark child and likely heir to The North will be thrown back into the mix? The preview for Game of Thrones Season 6 episode 3 suggests that next episode may see the return of Rickon Stark, who hasn’t been seen since Season 3.
While much of the preview for the upcoming Game of Thrones episode deals with Jon Snow’s return (and outlines how the episode will finally reveal Jon Snow’s parentage), there’s a cryptic moment in the middle, a conversation between Ramsay Bolton and bannermen of House Umber.
Watch for it at 0:11 in the episode 3 preview:
During the War of the Five Kings Greatjon Umber was one of Robb Stark’s closest and most trusted advisers. His son, Smalljon, has never appeared on Game of Thrones.
These are the banners of House Umber.

“I’ve got a gift for you,” the Umbers tell Ramsay Bolton. While the Umbers may have been loyal to the Starks, it seems that they know which way the political winds blow. Ramsay named them among the houses that would support him even after an attack on Castle Black and the Night’s Watch.
When last we saw Rickon Stark, Osha was taking him to the Umbers home, Last Hearth. Could Rickon be the gift the Umbers are promising Ramsay Bolton?
We know Art Parkinson, who plays Rickon, will appear in this season. Returning as a bargaining chip in the intense political wranglings of The North would be a natural way to reintroduce him to the show.
Of course, it could go down any number of ways. Perhaps the Umbers really do remain loyal to Starks and are luring Ramsay into a trap. Or perhaps Jon Snow will sweep down with an army of wildlings just in time to rescue Rickon and Sansa.
Whatever happens, the groundwork is being laid for major upheaval in Westeros and Rickon seems likely to be part of the drama. Now if only we could confirm the return of Shaggydog…