DOOM won over both critical and popular opinion when it was released back in May, and id Software has partnered with Fantasy Flight Games to keep the demon-slaying going strong. DOOM: The Board Game looks to take the non-stop action of the video game, and bring it to your tabletop.

DOOM: The Board Game will use asymmetrical gameplay, with one player acting as the Invader and up to four other players taking on the role of the space marines. Like the video game, DOOM: The Board Game sees the space marines have to kill off waves of demons, while the Invader controls the incoming hellspawn.
Players choosing to be on the space marine side have a choice between four characters. While they share some similar abilities, each character has a different weapon loadout and class, making some more strategically advantageous than others. Of course, you aren’t locked into what your character has. You can also find weapon pick-ups scattered around each level to expand your arsenal.

Fantasy Flight also wants to really capture the fearless feeling of rushing right into the middle of the fight in DOOM. Players shouldn’t be afraid of dying, instead they should expect it. Respawning is built into the game, so make sure you take down as many demons as possible, since you’ll be going down anyway.
There are two main operations for players to go on, with each operation containing six missions. These missions have their own unique board layout, victory conditions and more. This allows for some extended gameplay sessions, with groups trying to make it all the way through an operation.
If you are familiar with the Gears of War board game, also from Fantasy Flight, the DOOM board game looks mechanically similar. Players get reaction cards to help pull off all sorts of different moves, or to protect themselves from incoming attacks. Attacks and defense will be handled by rolling dice. The major difference this time is that a player controls the enemies instead of an in-game AI.
No release date has been confirmed for DOOM: The Board Game just yet, but Fantasy Flight is targeting a Fall 2016 time frame. More information about the game can be found on the Fantasy Flight website.
So what do you think? Are you interested in trying out DOOM on your tabletop? What other video games do you think could be good board games? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.