The second chapter of Dying Light 2: Stay Human is here via a new patch. Update 1.6.0 introduces a new chapter agent, as well as new weapons and more dangerous enemies, among other things.
Shen Xiu, also known as the Huntress, is the newest chapter agent in Dying Light 2. She’s an expert in ranged weapons and is a member of the Hunters faction, a group of talented huntsmen dedicated to tracking down and eliminating the Infected.

Players will also be facing new enemies in Update 1.6.0. The most fearsome of all is the Hag - a threatening variant of the Banshee that can turn human enemies into Plaguebearers. What makes the Hag a formidable foe, aside from being able to infect humans, is her speed. She’s so fast and agile that close-quarters combat is not an option. Fortunately, new ranged weapons, such as the Hunter’s Crossbow and Ballista Bow, have been introduced to help players fight these new threats.
Although Chapter 2 is now underway, players can still access all of the content featured in Chapter 1. In fact, the previous Chapter Agent, Harper, has new bounties to offer and gets a brand new weapon and blueprint.
Some gameplay improvements and bug fixes have been implemented in this patch as well:
- Fixed an issue with a glitch that prevented finishing the game
- There is a chance for the player to retrieve regular arrows and bolts after shooting at the enemy.
- Fixed an issue where vendors were not functioning properly after co-op sessions
- The player’s outfit no longer resets after changing gear
- Fixed an issue where some consumables would disappear from the inventory, blocking the ability to progress in the story
- Fixed an issue with the inability to sleep or fast travel after traveling to the second region of the game
- Fixed path collision that prevented progression in the story, if your friend blocked a pathway
- Performance and visual improvements in particle system
- Journal performance improved, reducing the time to load quest details
- Improved the quality of background texture in vendor and craftmaster menu
- Reduced the number of crashes on PlayStation 5
- Fixed the black screen after the intro of the game on PlayStation 5 VRR
- Fixed corrupted textures on PlayStation 5
- Municipal Services achievement can be obtained as usual
- Fixed an issue with crashes when entering the Player tab in the menu
- Fixed some issues with falling under the map
Dying Light 2: Stay Human Update 1.6.0 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.