Frontier Developments is finally preparing to release Elite Dangerous: Horizons on Xbox One, months after the second season of Elite: Dangerous content debuted on PC, but the studio doesn’t actually have a release date for the console version of ED:H quite yet.
Planetary Landings, the first of four planned expansions for Elite: Dangerous , will finally make its console debut Frontier Developments announced this week. The expansion first made its debut back in December 2015, giving the PC community a chance to explore barren, atmosphere-free worlds throughout the Milky Way. Now, that same freedom to roam desolate worlds will be coming to Xbox One and Frontier says the console port of the expansion features all the same content as its PC counterpart. The studio also says it will release Elite Dangerous: Horizons before the end of Q2 2016, which Frontier notes has already begun, meaning (at most) we’re no more than three months away from Planetary Landings’ Xbox One debut.
For a closer look at the console build of Elite Dangerous: Horizons , take a couple of minutes to watch the latest ED:H trailer from Frontier Developments. Then head down to the comments section and let us know if you’re planning to pick up Elite Dangerous: Horizons when the second wave of Elite: Dangerous content makes its Xbox One debut later this year.
Elite Dangerous: Horizons is in development for PC and Xbox One. The second expansion, Engineers, will make its debut in June while Elite Dangerous: Horizons ’ first batch of content, Planetary Landings, will head to Xbox One by the end of the fiscal quarter.
Be sure to check back with and follow Scott on Twitter for additional Elite Dangerous: Horizons coverage throughout 2016 and for however long Frontier Developments continues to support Elite: Dangerous in the years to come.