Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is already one of the most anticipated movies of 2016. The Star Wars name carries so much weight, of course, but it’s a bit surprising to see so much hype surrounding Rogue One with 11 months to go. No one outside of Disney is really sure what to expect of this spin-off “anthology” film that takes place in between Episodes III and IV, but that will change once Lucasfilm drops the first Rogue One trailer. Until then, we’ll have to rely on obscure marketing materials surrounding the film.
One of those sources is the London Toy Fair, which just wrapped up on Jan. 26. We recently reported on a batch of Rogue One character costumes that were showcased at that exhibition. The attire gave us a glimpse of some of the outfits that we assume to belong to soldiers in the upcoming film. Now a new set of photos have emerged from ANOTHER toy fair - Spielwarenmesse in Nuremberg - that not only reveal more garments, but also a closer look at some of the weapons and tools employed by the characters in Rogue One.
We tip our hat to Making Star Wars, who initially posted the images from the Nuremberg International Toy Fair. These new photos offer an entirely different view of the Rogue One ensemble, with a close-up inspections of guns, gadgets and utility items. Take a look at the new Star Wars: Rogue One costumes below:
Star Wars: Rogue One Character Costumes

Where to begin? We’ve got some sort of wrist device, a potential jetpack, heavy assault rifles, a Rey-esque staff and and various gear attached to armor. This seems to confirm that Rogue One will play out more like a war film rather than a classic space adventure. After all, both toy fairs have yet to reveal the ancient Jedi weapon of choice - the lightsaber. Other than the involvement of Darth Vader, Rogue One appears to be headed in an entirely different direction.
It may be risky to veer from the primary Skywalker saga, but Rogue One should entice viewers with a new perspective on the Galactic Empire. With filming underway and the Super Bowl around the corner, perhaps we’ll get the first tease of footage in the coming weeks. Fingers crossed!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story arrives in theaters on Dec. 16.