Speculation about who will play Cable has been going on since before the first Deadpool even released and now we finally have our answer: Oscar-nominated actor Josh Brolin. He already voices Thanos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but now he’s also slated to play the mutant time-traveler and soon to be frenemy of Ryan Reynolds.
His rugged features and natural charm are certainly match what fans had in mind for Cable, but his casting does come as a surprise considering all the other options floating around the internet: Michael Shannon, Brad Pitt, David Harbour, Stephen Lang, Kyle Chandler, Keira Knightley (she’s got range!), Mel Gibson, Dolph Lundgren, Pierce Brosnan and Russell Crowe. Is that everyone? Good thing it doesn’t matter anymore.

Cable’s appearance in Deadpool 2 was confirmed in the Deadpool post-credits scene. Son of X-Men’s Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor (Jean Grey’s clone), Cable is a mutant with an array of powers. He has dormant time-travel, telepathic, and telekinetic abilities. Due to his techno-organic infection, he has enhanced strength, eyesight, and resilience. Cable is also extremely technically-inclined due to his condition. He’s known to use his advanced machinery to hack his way into, or out of, precarious situations.

When the role was first announced, Director Tim Miller said Cable will “make a great foil” for Wade Wilson in Deadpool 2, but he’s not the only new mutant appearing. Zazie Beetz killed it as Van in Atlanta and scored the role of Cable’s lover, Domino, who is also a member of X-Force and first introduced in New Mutants. Domino’s telekinetic powers only take effect when she’s aware of a dangerous situation – she gets super lucky and her body instinctively avoids all threats. But if she is caught off guard, she could get hurt just like a normal human.
Deadpool and Cable were featured together in the 2004 Marvel Comic series Cable & Deadpool. Written by Fabian Nicieza and Reilly Brown, it was cancelled after 50 issues so Deadpool could star in his own series.
Josh Brolin’s contract is reportedly for four films. Taking Tim Miller’s old spot as director is David Leitch ( John Wick ). Production is rumored to start in June in Vancouver.