Fallout Shelter Update 1.4 To Bring New Rooms, Crafting, Outfits, Animals And More

Update 1.4 is coming to Fallout Shelter this week that brings crafting, customized vault dwellers and more. Find out all the new features Bethesda has in store for the game, here.
Update 1.4 is coming to Fallout Shelter this week that brings crafting, customized vault dwellers and more. Find out all the new features Bethesda has in store for the game, here. Bethesda

On Monday, Bethesda announced a new Fallout Shelter update 1.4 was on its way, bringing iOS and Android players a ton of new features to work with that could completely change how we play the game.

New Rooms For Crafting Weapons And Armor Coming To Fallout Shelter 1.4 Update

The last update, which arrived nearly three months ago, gave players the option to add a companion pet and evict lazy dwellers while also adding new management features to the game. But with the upcoming Fallout Shelter 1.4 update, players will see added complexity as Bethesda has teased new rooms for crafting weapons and armor.

How Will Crafting Items Change Fallout Shelter Gameplay?

While the company gave no details on how early in the game players will be able to build the new crafting rooms, or what S.P.E.C.I.A.L. skills might be needed for crafting such tools, the added features definitely have us excited. At the same time, we’re curious about how the update will impact various aspects of gameplay. For instance, a few months ago the company tried implementing a wasteland explorer item cap, which basically blew up in their face. But with the ability to craft new weapons and armor, we wonder if the wilderness explorer cap will resurface, making it more crucial for players to craft tools rather than scavenge for them.

The blog post states that crafting rooms will allow players to “turn worthless junk into useful items,” which makes me think that all those garbage weapons and outfits we find in the wilderness may have the potential to become something badass in the hands of a crafty vault dweller. Of course it could also mean junk metal and such will become some of the items dwellers gather in the wilderness. Either way, it sounds like planning more storage in our vaults will become essential.

What Else Will The Fallout Shelter 1.4 Update Bring?

Besides new crafting rooms, the Fallout Shelter 1.4 update will also bring a barber shop for customizing vault dwellers, new pets and accurate sunlight for the time of day.
Besides new crafting rooms, the Fallout Shelter 1.4 update will also bring a barber shop for customizing vault dwellers, new pets and accurate sunlight for the time of day. Bethesda

In addition to the new crafting rooms, the Fallout Shelter 1.4 update will also bring these new features:

  • More Cards in Lunchboxes – the lunchboxes you win or purchase will not include one extra card so that you get a fifth bonus item.

  • Customize the look of Vault Dwellers - apparently one of the new rooms will include a Barbershop that will allow Vault Overseers to “customize the look” of any Dweller. Nice!

  • New Outfits and Weapons - A new line of outfits and weapons from Fallout 4 will be available to find in lunchboxes or craft in the new crafting rooms.

  • New Pets – Parrots are being added to the list of pet companions you can acquire and new pet bonuses will be added in the 1.4 update.

  • Light Adjusts To Time Of Day – The game hasn’t really accurately shown the time of day up to this point, but the 1.4 update is set to make the game reflect the proper time of day.

You'll soon know what time of day it is in your Fallout Shelter game with the 1.4 update.
You'll soon know what time of day it is in your Fallout Shelter game with the 1.4 update. Bethesda

When Will The New Fallout Shelter 1.4 Update Release?

Bethesda didn’t give any clear-cut date we could expect the new update. It simply said “later this week.” If we had to guess, we’d shoot for a Wednesday – Friday release, but again that’s just a guess. When the new update does release, we’ll be sure to bring you’re an updated set of strategy, tips and tricks as we have with past updates.

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