'Final Fantasy 15' DLC Wish List: Top 5 Plot, Lore And Character Questions That Need Answering

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Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV Square Enix

I get it: Final Fantasy 15 has this whole trans-media approach where its story sprawled out across not just Final Fantasy 15 the game, but Kingsglaive the movie and Brotherhood the anime, too. That being said, there are just too many questions left after playing the game, even for a game whose ending was deliberately left open-ended. Here are my top questions about Final Fantasy 15’s plot, which I hope can be resolved in DLC or a manga or a series of sky-writes or something.

Obviously, there will be spoilers. SPOILERS AHOY! Here we go.

Why was Arden cast out by the Crystal for his healing?

We see that Luna heals the Starscourge that causes people to turn into daemons by absorbing it into herself, which is her ability as Oracle and is slowly killing her. I’m assuming that the Starscourge is what’s killing her and she doesn’t just have the sparkly Final Fantasy version of tuberculosis.

Arden was doing the same thing while also being part of the royal line of Lucis. He was a healer-king, if we trust what he’s telling us. But healing the Starscourge, and taking daemons out of his innocence populace and into himself as an ultimate act of royal selflessness and love, is what caused the Crystal to reject him as King?

That’s bullshit. Why should I trust the Crystal’s decisions at all? To absorb demons into oneself in order to heal your own innocent, beloved people is the absolute apex of what a ruler could do for their own citizenry. Putting oneself at risk, body and soul, to rescue innocent people from a wretched sickness and death is the most noble possible act. And for this, the Crystal cast Ardyn out?

I mean, am I following the events correctly here? And if this is what happened, then why is Ardyn the villain and not the Crystal?

Why is Luna dying but not getting goopy and Starscourgey?

Is the power of the Oracle to heal people of the Starscourge and absorb daemons into themselves and then somehow take those daemons out of the world of Eos via their death?

Does it simply cost Oracles their life force in order to eliminate the Starscourge? Do their powers work by eliminating the Starscourge itself, or by eliminating daemons, even the hints of the daemonic inside the afflicted person? How did Luna’s mom live long enough to give birth to Luna if she was doing her job right? What’s the average life expectancy of an Oracle?

Was the job of Oracle and King split by the Astrals because of what happened to Ardyn? If they can do all that, why didn’t they do something to help Ardyn or lift a finger to assist him of his corruption?

If an Oracle heals by taking the Starscourge into themselves, why isn’t Luna goopy like Ardyn?

Look, this Starscourge stuff and how Oracles handle it needs more explanation.

Why’s Ifrit so mad?

Considering that even the name “Starscourge” is something you get from a cutscreen, you really don’t get a lot of information about the affliction Luna heals, which Ardyn also healed, which causes people to turn into daemons. From what I can piece together, Starscourge is the result of Ifrit turning against the rest of the Six, or something.

The question is: why? What did humans do to you, Ifrit? My guy, why are you so mad?

If Ifrit turning against the Six due to his hatred of humanity is what started the Starscourge that causes people to turn into daemons and causes eternal night, then we absolutely deserve to understand why Ifrit is that angry. The Starscourge is the great reveal of Final Fantasy 15 ’s second half. Yo Ifrit, what’s good?

What’s the deal with Prompto and his dad?

Okay, here’s the scenario. You’re a scientist in Nifleheim researching daemons. You have a kid. You, uh… send him to Lucis? He’s adopted by the Argentum family, whoever they are? He’s got some kind of UPC code in his hand? What the fuck just happened?

Look, according to the Ultimania guide books that were just released, it seems that Verstael Besithia didn’t create Prompto out of a hodgepodge of daemon bits and MT leftovers. He really is Prompto’s bio dad. And according to those same books, or at least the translations we have available at the moment, Prompto was adopted when he was only a year old. And in the Japanese, Prompto doesn’t say he’s an MT, he says he’s from Nifleheim. Not everyone from Niflheim is an MT… right? I mean, right?

For a guy who got his own episode of Brotherhood , Prompto’s backstory is a damn mess. If he’s some kind of child soldier sleeper agent that was sent to Lucis with a love of photography embedded in his brain and a vague direction to find Prince Noctis and spy on him, that didn’t work out. And if that’s the case, why the hell did he get fat? And if that’s not the case, what is the point of his backstory? At all?

Ravus, Ravus, Ravus…

  • Why did Ravus join the Niffs?

  • How did he, a son of Tenebrae, become trusted enough to get such a high position?

  • What was his and Luna’s relationship really like?

  • Why did he think Noctis sucked so much?

“Watch Kingsglaive ,” you’ll tell me. “Some of these questions are answered in Kingsglaive ,” you’ll say.

Call me old-school, but I should understand the plot of a game within the damn game. I don’t need extracurricular activities for my extracurricular activity. Whatever we needed to know from Kingsglaive needed to be regurgitated in some interesting new format for our understanding of the main players in this story.

“We see Luna and Ravus in a scene!” In 1 (one) scene, we see that he appears to have accepted that she’s dying and believes in her cause as Oracle despite his job with the Niffs requiring him to kill her and not a single Niff giving a single fuck about the zero fucks he gives. (How much wood could a woodchuck chuck…?)

Basically, I know that Ravus’ story is going to be filled in a bit in DLC, but that’s ridiculous. We needed to know all of this in-game. Ravus is one of the best end-game boss fights, but his tragic transformation into a daemon against his will means nothing without an understanding of who he really was and especially how he felt about Luna.

These are just the first 5 questions that come to mind when I try to process Final Fantasy 15 ’s plot and ending. I have plenty more, starting from “Why did we have to watch Noctis’ grandpas beat him to death?”, “so King Regis literally knows that his son is born to die but we don’t get to explore that relationship at all?”, “Does anyone have a mother?”, “Why does everybody call Noctis reckless and accuse him of not being serious about the kingship when he never shows signs of either quality?”, “Why doesn’t anyone fight Noctis’s dreadful destiny literally why must Noctis go like a lamb to the slaughter I hate this damn trope that Final Fantasy X eviscerated years ago,” and “did the other chocobros die or what?”

What are your major questions about Final Fantasy 15 ’s plot? Feel free to sound off in our comments section below.

Final Fantasy XV
Combat, Plot, Characters Create Something Flawed, Beautiful, Fantastic
Despite it's flaws, Final Fantasy XV is a milestone achievement: not just for being completed, but for being completed with polish, aplomb and love.
  • Engaging main cast of characters
  • Fun, fast-paced combat
  • A massive, beautiful world to explore
  • The Regalia!
  • Continuous updates have addressed some shortcomings of the initial release
  • Major aspects of the story feel rushed or absent, particularly toward the end of the game
  • Stealth sequences feel out of place
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